48 Words to use with populations

The desert gradually disappears, villages are not so few, the density of the population increases.

As they walked back from the stables he began to descant on the population question, denouncing the century, and repeating all his old theories.

A hundred years ago the City of Baltimore was the center of population, and it was not until the middle of the century that Ohio boasted of owning the population center.

The biology of population growth.

SEE Finley, John, H. KISER, LOUISE K. Foundations of American population policy.

But by the middle of the eighteenth century, assuming that production doubled since the sixteenth century, population pressure was again as heavy as it had been then.

" Hon C.F. MERCER, in a speech before the same Convention, in 1829, says: "The tables of the natural growth of the slave population demonstrate, when compared with the increase of its numbers in the commonwealth for twenty years past, that an annual revenue of not less than a million and a half of dollars is derived from the exportation of a part of this population."

14.] CHAPTER 24 POPULATION AND IMMIGRATION § 1. Nature of the population problem.

The slaveholding régime kept money scarce, population sparse and land values accordingly low; it restricted the opportunities of many men of both races, and it kept many of the natural resources of the Southern country neglected.

We know that Roman civilization passed through a completed cycle of population expansion to an optimum, followed by a catastrophic population decline.

Hence the population explosions in cities and in centers of developing industry, trade and commerce.

They dread the growth of a population slack of nerve, soft of body, cruel through fear of pain, and incapable of endurance or high endeavour.

Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH:

European population transfers, 1939-1945.

Agricultural refers primarily to the occupation of cultivating the soil, and is properly contrasted with other occupations, as mechanical and professional; whereas rural refers to place of residence outside of incorporated places of a specified minimum population (of late, 2500), and is properly contrasted with urban, applied to those living in larger population groupings.

He had left Lithuania to the rapacious guardianship of the Khan of the Crimea, who was sufficiently formidable to neutralize the incursions of the duchy upon the frontier; and on every side he found an ardent population impatient to expel the invader.

Beautiful scenery, but population chiefly invalids.

The last of the kings sprung from Clovis acquitted themselves too ill or not at all of their task; and the mayors of the palace were naturally summoned to supply their deficiencies, and to give the populations assurance of more intelligence and energy in the exercise of power.

We shall very soon see ourselves compelled to find for our growing population means of life other than industrial employment.

The population numbers about twenty-five thousand, one-half of these being found in the city of Horta, and the rest scattered in some forty little hamlets lying at irregular distances along the shores.

of the population object or neglect to specify their religion; only about one per cent.

Any attempt to estimate this creole population perforce contains much guess-work.

Malthus's population principle was quite as much a banner, and point of union among us, as any opinion specially belonging to Bentham.

An essential aspect of world government will be a population program designed to adjust social structure and planning to the means of production and to make generally available to all humans and, where possible, all living things, the results of invention, discovery and experience with affluence, general security and wide variations of vocational and avocational choice.

The English Bishop of New Zealand, landing on a lone islet where no ship had ever touched, found the whole population prostrate with influenza.

48 Words to use with  populations