7 Words to use with practise

As we came out of the furnace-room into the chilly afternoon a regiment of reservists tramped in from a practise march in the country.

He reined in, tossed the reins to an attendant and began to walk toward the tunnel entrance, clothed as he was in nothing but the practise loin-cloth of a gladiator.

Then march forth the sons of citizens and other young men armed with lances and shields, and these practise feats of war, and show by good proof how serviceable they would be in martial affairs."

And whereas we can and doe put in practise sundrie actions of life, sense, motion, vnderstanding, we doe it onely by the power and vertue of the soule.

And he said, "O my son, it is for the good of the Brahmanas that thou didst practise penances, with the intention that the Vedas unstudied by any Brahmana whatever might be manifest unto thee.

I daren't take more than one at a time or they'd kill me even with the blunted practise-weapons.

how changed!" A world-city practises magic.

7 Words to use with  practise