13 Words to use with products

Chemical products map of the U. S. for your classroom.

The chart of plenty; a study of American product capacity based on the findings of the National survey of potential product capacity, by Harold Loeb & associates.

Somers, Fitler and Tood; power transmission products catalog.

CELEBES (1,000), an island in the centre of the Eastern Archipelago, third in size, in the shape of a body with four long limbs, traversed by mountain chains, and the greater part of it a Dutch possession, though it contains a number of small native states; it yields among its mineral products gold, copper, tin, &c.; and among its vegetable, tea, coffee, rice, sugar, pepper, &c.; capital.

See the Epilogue to Browning's Pacchiarotto etc., Stanza XVIII:"Your product istruffles, you hunt with a pig!"

We have not yet come to "eye of newt and toe of frog," but what we have incorporated into modern therapeutics in the way of animal products lends at least some theoretical justification to the ancient use of the dried organs of various animals.

In this case, instead of opianic acid, its reduction product meconine, C{10}H{10}O{4}, is produced.

Unless the business promises to yield as good incomes (wages, profits) as other lines, the number engaging in it, and the output, must diminish and thus the price of the product rise, or the cost of the factors fall, or both in some proportion.

It is apparently not the ductless glands alone that furnish internal secretions; the glands that are provided with ducts and yield a definite and observable product secrete also a substance (perhaps more than one) which they give up to the blood.

Happily, this is not the case at Nottingham; and our interest in tar as a fuel is more experimental, in view of what may happen if a further fall in tar products sets in.

Where once the Indian's wigwam stood, The factory, with its busy crowd, Dispenses blessings far and near, While rich and poor its products share.

Okra also was grown, and from this product coffee was made.

In addition to these products cotton and maize are commonly cultivated, and yams, plantains, oranges, bananas, cocoanuts, pineapples, and almost every other tropical fruit are grown in abundance.

13 Words to use with  products