14 Words to use with pronounce

" The unwilling Bishop of Winchester was sent to pronounce sentence of fine for neglect of the king's summons.

When parties were at issue about facts, it was the custom for the praetor to fix the question of law upon which the action turned, and then to remit to a delegate, or judge, to inquire into the facts and pronounce judgment according to them.

They deny both the justice and expediency of permitting any degree of ignorance or debasement to work the forfeiture of self-ownership, and pronounce slavery continued for such a cause the worst of all, inasmuch as it is the robbery of the poor because he is poor.

Many people, though hardly among those who are commonly reckoned good speakers, pronounce forehead as it is written.

But why does the favored and princely Solomon, in sadness and bitterness, pronounce knowledge also to be a vanity like power and riches, especially when in his earlier writings he so highly commends it?

Août (pronounce oo).

He is sole master and governor of the island, appoints the work, pronounces punishments, gives permission to the men to leave the island (without it they never may do so), and exercises all functions of undisputed mastery over his fellow slaves, for you will observe that all this while he is just as much a slave as any of the rest.

p. 340) that raisin was pronounced as we now pronounce reason, and adds, "The custom has not entirely passed away."

Sept (pronounce set).

Huit (pronounce weet).

To hear confession and pronounce absolution, one of the duties of the priesthood in the Catholic church.

I have quoted it, sir; by this bright Hore, Horeson, pronounce ye, sir? Serv.

Six (pronounce cease).

Dix (pronounce deess) Eleven . . . . . . . . .

14 Words to use with  pronounce