122 Words to use with property

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As to such reserved rights, guaranteed by Constitutional limitations, and largely by the first ten amendments to the Constitution, a man, by virtue of his inherent and God-given dignity as a human soul, has rights, such as freedom of the Press, liberty of speech, property rights, and religious freedom, which even one hundred millions of people cannot rightfully take from him, without amending the Constitution.

Property-owners welcomed the return of any government that was strong enough to govern.

The consuls proceeded to levy troops; but so exhausted was the treasury that now for the first time since the triumph of Æmilius Paullus it was found necessary to levy a property tax on the citizens of Rome.

In some respects his government, compared with that of Charles X, was liberal, and one of its early acts was an extension of the suffrage by decreasing the amount of the property qualification for voters.

I remitted one or two points of property law to legal decision, but all parties in each case protested that they would have preferred my instant judgment.

"I'll have you know you're not the only property holder in the community, Billie Bradley.

Crowns, sceptres; shield, sword, and truncheon; thy own coronation robes (for thou hast brought the whole property man's wardrobe with thee, enough to sink a navy); the judge's ermine; the coxcomb's wig; the snuff-box à la

These murders fall under the heading of property crimes; the cause is the same, and the rules governing them are the same.

As soon as he was elected to the presidency he set a committee of competent, accredited engineers to work appraising property values in the different states, and great tracts of hundreds of thousands and millions of acres, previously assessed at half as many thousands as they were worth millions, were revalued and reassessed at their true inherent value.

(Property series) © 5Feb32, A50850; 10Mar32, A50851; 24Mar32, A50852.

At that time Major Doyle, Patsy's only surviving parent, was a poor bookkeeper; but Uncle John gave him charge of his vast property interests, and loving Patsy almost as devotedly as did her father, made his home with the Doyles and began to enjoy himself for the first time in his life.

Property insurance.

In reply it is contended that the limitation of the tax to the wealthy or well-to-do classes is justified because these classes do not pay their fair share of the indirect national taxes, or of local property taxes.

But when a man was stolen, no property compensation was offered.

The penalty for stealing property was a mere property penalty.

An interesting book has lately appeared in America, called "Income," in which the writer, Dr. Scott Nearing, of the University of Pennsylvania, draws a very sharp distinction between service income and property income, implying, if I read him aright, that property income is an unjust extortion.

Free Negro labor and property holding in Virginia, 1830-1860.

"The individual who receives a return because of his property ownership, receives a property income.

Complete forms for real property transactions.

G. Harrison Orians (A), Katharine Williams (E) & Katherine B. Werner (W); 19Oct67; R420076. OSBORNE, GEORGE T. Cases and materials on property security.

The Lecompton quarrel, the Freeport doctrine, the property theory, the "slave-State" dogma, the Congressional slave code proposal, must be boldly met and squarely adjusted.

Oil property valuation.

In estimating the effect of a vote, it must be remembered that there are only 234 members in the House of Representatives, and 62 in the Senate; and, to give some idea of the interests concerned, the correspondent states"It is scarcely an exaggeration to say that the Federal Congress at Washington has a disposing power over twice the amount of national property subject to the votes of the Parliament at Westminster."

Some economist ought therefore to give us a treatise in which this property instinct is carefully and quantitatively examined.

122 Words to use with  property