12 Words to use with publication

(The Institute of Economics of the Brookings Institution, publication <pb id='259.png' n='1969h1/A/1305' /> no.87)

We do not wish to compete with the "List of all the running horse-es, with the names, weights, and colours of the riders," although the proximity of our publication day to the commencement of Epsom Races (June 2), has induced us to select the above subject for an illustration.

The publication office of the Era was not far from the Patent Office; and the dwelling-house of Dr. Bailey, the editor, was at no great distance.

(Yale historical publications studies, 13) © 13Aug42; A166625.

Ici lacune, étude complaisante et approfondie d'un détail, tel est l'inconvénient de toute publication fractionnée.

Let the motives of the publication atone for all its defects!

Jusqu'à ce moment cette note n'a paru in extenso dans aucun des journaux locaux, qui selon toute évidence ne veulent pas lui donner place dans leurs colonnes, se rendant compte de l'effet calmant que cette publication produirait sur les lecteurs allemands.

The solo singer, however, was a Scientist, Miss Elsie Lincoln; and on the platform sat Joseph Armstrong, formerly of Kansas, and now the business manager of the publication society, with the other members of the Christian Science Board of DirectorsIra C. Knapp, Edward P. Bates, Stephen A. Chase,gentlemen officially connected with the movement.

The great want of an anti-slavery paper at the capitol had been supplied by five-dollar subscriptions to a publication fund, and Dr. Bailey called from Cincinnati to take charge of it, and few men have kept a charge with more care and skill.

" A recent publication bestows also a tribute of commendation, in the following terms: "As governor of the new Colony, he was exposed to numberless difficulties and vexations; but persevered with great ardor in the scheme, and expended large sums out of his private fortune with a view to ensure its success.

For forty years after its first publication editions of Bailey followed each other as rapidly as ever; numerous new dictionaries of the size and character of Bailey, often largely indebted to Johnson's definitions, appeared.

Being behind a small time publication, one had to be an all-rounder looking after all areas of publication editorial, circulation, advertising, printing, accounts, and whatever work was left to be done.

12 Words to use with  publication