6 Words to use with qua

Correct Marshall, in the division of the following words: "Trench-er, trunch-eon, dros-sy, glos-sy, glas-sy, gras-sy, dres-ses, pres-ses, cal-ling, chan-ging, en-chan-ging, con-ver-sing, mois-ture, join-ture, qua-drant, qua-drate, trans-gres-sor, dis-es-teem.

milliaria, in qua homines portant facies caninas et mulieres similitèr, et vnum bouem adorant pro Deo suo, et ideo quilibet vnum bouem aureum vel argenteum in fronte portat: Homines illius contratæ et mulieres vadunt totaliter nudi, nisi quod vnum pannum lineum portant ante verenda sua.

The Butte des Morts, or Hillock of the Dead, was the scene long since of a most sanguinary battle between the French and the Mis-qua-kees, or Foxes.

" Page 283, footnote 1. qua lege, etc.: which law did not determine the expense, but the kind of victuals and the manner of cooking them.

Nam qua parte pavor simul est pudor additus illi.

p-po-porter that will for me; and I po-po-porter it, let them po-po-post me to heaven in this qua-quarter.

6 Words to use with  qua