66 Words to use with quality

WAREHAM, RALPH E. Handbook on statistical quality control.

" On one occasion, when I was sent to the post on an errand, she had no pie or cake; but she brought out a primer and said thoughtfully, "I's g'wine ter give yo dis A-B-C book, 'cos I want yo should grow up like quality folks.

The quality cook book.

Supported by the motley manifoldness of phenomena, we posit real beings as qualitatively different, and view this diversity as partial contraposition; we resolve, e.g., the simple quality a into the elements x + z, and a second quality b into

Mr. Sidney Gainsborough, quality pictures.

West Coast Times, launched July-1978, blazed a luminous trail in quality journalism but, like a comet after a brief showing, vanished into oblivion.

Of an impetuous and vehement spirit, he was distinguished by all the good as well as the bad qualities incident to that character: he was open, frank, generous, sincere, and brave; he was revengeful, domineering, ambitious, haughty, and cruel; and was thus better calculated to dazzle men by the splendour of his enterprises, than either to promote their happiness or his own grandeur by a sound and well-regulated policy.

The hospital was known for its high-quality birthing.

So characteristic of it is this power, so eminent and shining, that thence only springs the sweet and almost sacred quality breathing from the word itself.

It is an unnecessary expense to use either second or third quality fire-brick.

Manufacture of high quality porcelain calls for considerable amounts of capital investment and working capital; small manufacturers produce too many second-rate pieces; thus we have here the first beginnings of an industry that developed industrial towns such as Ching-, in which the majority of the population were workers and merchants, with some 10,000 families alone producing porcelain.

Be it remembered, we do not want any children; we want good-quality children.

er my own, an' couldn' be roun' ter look after 'im. An' dis chile is a rale quality chile, he is,I never seed a baby wid sech fine hair fer his age, ner sech blue eyes, ner sech a grip, ner sech a heft.

3d.; for dupions (those made by two worms), 6d.; for raw silk, from 1st quality cocoons 14s.

The newest machine must have been at least fifty years old, but all were in top quality condition.

But put case she be equal in years, birth, fortunes, and other qualities correspondent, he doth desire to be coupled in marriage, which is an honourable estate, but for what respects?

Toward the end of a cycle of civilization quality declines.

The scheme was, that we should pass for Carabinssuch is the nickname of French students in chirurgeryand in this quality demand admission.

Taig: Where is the great quality dinner yourself was to give me, having seven sorts of dressed meat?

per 1000; his second are 5l. 12s.; and his third are 5l.; and yet no real difference of quality exists.

The most important consideration in propagating is, however, the time at which you do it: thus things which formerly were propagated in the spring now are propagated in summer, like the fig, whose wood is not heavy and so craves heat, as a consequence of which quality figs cannot be grown in cold climates.

The worse quality forms a permanent addition to the mass of inefficient labour competing for bare subsistence wages.

Another adds to those qualities fusibility: and then the word gold signifies to him a body, bright, yellow, fusible, and very heavy.

Marcus had the gift not only of overpowering his antagonists or anticipating them by swiftness or outwitting them by deceit (on which qualities generals most rely), but also of persuading them by trustworthy promises and conciliating them by generous gifts and luring them on by tempting hopes.

He said that he was quite willing it should bear any meaning the words would fairly bear; to the best of his recollection his meaning when he wrote it was "the hate of the quality hate, &c.," but he thought the meaning of "the quintessence of hatred" finer.

66 Words to use with  quality