5 Words to use with quatuor

Iste rex habet decies millesies et quatuor elephantum domesticorum, quos ita facit custodiri sicut inter nos custodiunt boues, vel greges in pascuis.

It may be his heir, his reputed son, and yet indeed a priest or a serving man may be the true father of him; but we will not controvert that now; married women are all honest; thou art his son's son's son, begotten and born infra quatuor maria, &c. Thy great great great grandfather was a rich citizen, and then in all likelihood a usurer, a lawyer, and then aa courtier, and then aa country gentleman, and then he scraped it out of sheep, &c.

Hae quatuor passiones sunt tanquam rotae in curru, quibus vehimur hoc mundo.

Pedes quatuor pentadactyli, poris femoralibus nullis.

Venatum proficiscuntur: ex multis quas capiebant quatuor tantum retinent; pro feminis illis uti adnituntur, carere feminea natura comperiunt.

5 Words to use with  quatuor