68 Words to use with r

] [Illustration: "GUR-R-R-R-."]

[in the loft above]."S c r r r e e e c h." O'MALLEY."Heavings!


But there may be reasons A.F.L. Young Man, reared in the hateful prejudices of an Unprogressive Wor-r-ld, there air none.

he cried "Well, and there'll be room for us all, and to spare; for divil a bir-r-d will be left in that quarter by night, or forenent twelve o'clock either, calculating by the clock, if one had such a thing; as a body might say.

r online at www.gutenberg.org

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6 The China ever-blowing rose, R damascena of Roxburgh, Adnee gula, gulsurkh, bearing handsome dark crimson blossoms during the whole of the year, it is branching and bushy, but rather delicate, and wants odour.

R ich treasures are locked up in store, A ffliction turns the key; H ow oft when dreadful thunders roar, M ay showers bid famine flee.

Co-commendations, and s-she hath s-sent ye this r-ring.

"It would make a dinner, yer honour, for every mother's son of 'em, counting the gur-r-rls, in the bargain!

One might almost imagine that the copy of Webster's Dictionary, which Mr. Douglas has in his libraryif he possess such a thinghas omitted an old English word, spelt T R U T H.

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8 The Indian dog-rose, R arvensis, R involucrata of Roxburgh, Gul furman, is found to glow wild in some parts of Nepal and Bengal, as well as in the province of Buhar, flowering in February, the blossoms large, white, and very fragrant, its cultivation extending is improving the blossoms, particularly in causing the petals to be multiplied.

r know," he whispered, "when their freedom comes, that they owe it all to you.

The use of the word person in every European language to signify a human individual is unintentionally appropriate; persona really means a player's mask, and it is quite certain that no one shows himself as he is, but that each wears a mask and plays a rle.

As near as I can reckon it out it'll cost about a thousand dollars a yeartwelve hundred if we want to be v-e-r-y liberal, so the catalogue says.

r mind, much more subtle and discerning than his normal consciousness, had seen great possibilities in them, but as yet had not divulged their significance.

The Bramble-flowered rose R multiflora, Gul rana, naturally a trailer, may be trained to great advantage, when it will give beautiful bunches of small many petaled flowers in February and March, of delightful fragrance.

7 The Moss Rose, R muscosa, having no native name is found to exist, but has only been known to have once blossomed in India; good plants may be obtained from Hobart Town without much trouble.

What she actually put down was "What r-tt-n piffle!" To Wilbur Cowan, in recounting her fall from the serene heights of pacifism, she brazenly said: "Do you knowwhen that poor boy reached down to shake hands with me, if I could have got at him

Two or three days afterwards Jogesh again called to tell him that an opportunity of making Rs. 10,000 net had occurred owing to the pressing demand for cooly freight from a ship which was lying half-empty, and costing large sums for demurrage.

But, sir, from the time he looked over that bill o' fare an' put his finger on what he'd have, an' when, that boy ain't never failed to call for it, an' get it, day 'r night.

H-o-l-d y-o-u-r p-i-v-o-t!

68 Words to use with  r