5 Words to use with ratifications

Provisions for ratification Concessions to slavery Demand for a bill of rights

An enthusiastic ratification meeting was given to the returning members of the Legislature.

On the 16th July, 1843, the convention was ratified by him in absolute terms without the reference to Congress which the constitution of Peru requires, because, as the ratification states, "under existing circumstances the Government exercises the legislative powers demanded by the necessities of the State."

Quand on dut enfin se rendre, Marceau reçut la pénible mission de porter au camp ennemi la ratification du traité.

The powers of congress are: To watch over the general interest of the Philippine people, and the carrying out of the revolutionary laws; to discuss and vote upon said laws; to discuss and approve prior to their ratification treaties and loans; to examine and approve the accounts presented annually by the secretary of finance, as well as extraordinary and other taxes which may hereafter be imposed.

5 Words to use with  ratifications