27 Words to use with raven

Thou, Winfrida the Fair?thy raven hair" "O, my hair, my lord? 'twas gold, 'tis black and shall be gold again, but I am that same Winfrida.

Her long raven locks hung with careless grace, partly behind, and partly over, a neck that might have served as a model for the sculptor.

The widow looked very pretty in her lace and silk and frilled cap, from which the raven tresses peeped.

The boys could hardly be distinguished one from another, especially when their hair was powdered; but that ceremony being too cumbrous for country-life, each of the lads commonly wore his own hair, George his raven black, and Harry his light locks, tied with a ribbon.

the girl is fair, and modest enough, at least to the eye, and if thou knowest aught else, whisper thy secret to her husband or her friends, but do not come in this rude manner to disturb our harmony with thy raven throat, just as we are ready to sing an epithalamium in honor of the happy pair.

I. 3 'Cold is Cadwallo's tongue, That hushed the stormy main; Brave Urien sleeps upon his craggy bed; Mountains, ye mourn in vain Modred, whose magic song Made huge Plinlimmon bow his cloud-topped head: On dreary Arvon's shore they lie, Smeared with gore and ghastly pale; Far, far aloof th' affrighted ravens sail; The famished eagle screams, and passes by.

Besides the common brown eagle, three kinds of vulture, several species of falcons, hawks, and owls, the raven family appears to be fully represented, with the exception of the jackdaw, which possibly finds itself too weak and too slow of flight to live in the midst of such strong and ferocious air-robbers as those which have established themselves in these grand solitudes.

It was these same "Children of Woden" who, under the Danes' raven flag, had blotted out Northumbrian civilization in the ninth century.

The grim Geneva ministers With anxious scowl drew near, As you have seen the ravens flock Around the dying deer.

75 Now, as he plodded on, with sullen clang A sound of chains along the desert rang; He looked, and saw upon a gibbet high A human body that in irons swang, Uplifted by the tempest whirling by; 80 And, hovering, round it often did a raven fly.

Of a verity thou art only the witch Mellent, and so, by reason of thy sun-browned skin and raven hairaye, and for thy witchcraftthou, alack!

I believe that my failure was principally due to the fact that Nature had not given me flashing eyes and raven hairwithout which, as everyone knows, no bad fairy can hold up her head and respect herself.

He has a glorious dark eye, and Byron's expression of a "dome of thought," could never be more appropriately applied than to his lofty and intellectual forehead, the marble whiteness and polish of which arc heightened by the raven hue of his hair.

As Captain Poindexter looked upon the fringed hazel eyes, the drooping raven mustache, the clustering ringlets, and the Byronic full throat and turned-down collar of his friend, a smile of exhausted humorous tolerance and affectionate impatience curved his lips.

This raven pecks not out men's eyes as others do; all his spite is at their shoulders, and you were better to have the nightmare ride you than this incubus.

The Mohammedans also say that Cain carried about with him the dead body of Abel till he saw a raven scratch a hole in the ground to bury a dead bird.

But for thy tongue thy mother had not dyde: That belching voice, that harsh night-raven sound, Untimely sent thy mother to the ground: Upbraid my fault, I did deceive my brother; Cut out thy tongue, that slue thy carefull mother.

o'er the road like black storm clouds, While Zu the storm-bird onward fiercely goads The seven raven spirits of the air, And Nus-ku opens wide the fiery glare Of pent-up lightnings for fierce Gibil's hand, Who hurls them forth at Nergal's stern command, And Rimmon[10] rides triumphant on the air,

Whatever may have been the cause, he seems to have gone off on his own account: carrying with him the famous raven standard, to do his appointed work in these years on other coasts under its ominous shade.

The victim's slain, and now the ravens stoop.

Slender and of medium height, with a small head of almost perfect contour, a symmetrical face, dark almost to swarthiness, black eyes, which moved somewhat restlessly, curly hair of raven tint, a slight mustache, small hands and feet, and fashionable attire, Tom Delamere, the grandson of the old gentleman who had already arrived, was easily the handsomest young man in Wellington.

"What am I," he then would think, "who am waiting here, as a raven waits for blood, for certain intelligence of my wife's death?" He went to the Kalitines' every day; but even there he was not more at his ease.

A stranger, muffled to the eyes in a cloak, rose at his entrance, and looked at him intently for a few minutes in silence, then saying, "I see by your physiognomy you are to be trusted," dropped the cloak, and revealed to the astonished Scythrop a female form and countenance of dazzling grace and beauty, with long, flowing hair of raven blackness.

The ravens caw: the eagles cry.

The were wolves mutter, the night hawks moan, The raven croaks from the Raven-stone; What care I for his boding groan, Riding the moorland to come to mine own?

27 Words to use with  raven