121 Words to use with reasoning

" "Oh, come, now, Jack! come, recollect that your reasoning powers are almost as worthy of employment as your rhetorical abilities!

But the resounding blows on the backs of those near the officer did not give the encouraging emphasis to his appeal that captivates men whose reasoning faculties are almost gone for the moment.

SEE Otis arithmetic reasoning test. R60378.

For in each of these dialogues more or less mention is made of divine names, from which it is easy for those who are exorcised in divine concerns to discover by a reasoning process the idioms of each.

3): "Have we eaten of the insane root That takes the reason prisoner?"

Madam, 'tis true: Where reason rules, there is the golden mean. VER.

The slaveholders and slave laws claim that as property, which the free States know only as persons, a reasoning property, which, of its own will and mere motion, is frequently found in our States; and upon which THING we sometimes bestow food and raiment, if it appear hungry and perishing, believing it to be a human being; this perhaps is owing to our want of vision to discover the process by which a man is converted into a THING.

In consequence of this perverse ambition, every habit which reason condemns may be indulged and avowed.

For if the principle that the will ends where love steps in might be open to doubt, there is no doubt whatever that where dogma begins reasoning ceases.

If they delayed to join the league against him, the chief reason doubtless was the ill-feeling that continued to prevail between them and the Romans.

The nature of a woman looks out of that wild, beautiful, girlish facethe nature: but not the spirit; not The reason firm, the temperate will, Endurance, foresight, strength and skill.

It would be the beginning of an understanding between reasoning creatures of the whole universe!"

I conceive that the description so often given of a Benthamite, as a mere reasoning machine, though extremely inapplicable to most of those who have been designated by that title, was during two or three years of my life not altogether untrue of me.

The defeat of Douglas, the Navarre of the young Democracy of the North, amazed him: but all thought of Lincoln asserting the national authority, and reviving the splendor of Jackson and Madison, was looked upon as the step between the sublime and the ridiculous that reasoning men refuse to consider.

In that unfolding, that manifesting of the higher in the lowerwhich is the idea the four-dimensionalist has of the worldthe painstaking, minute, methodical action of the reasoning mind applied to phenomena achieves results impossible to Pisgah-sighted intuition.

It is in short, a manner of speaking out of the simple and plain way (such as reason teacheth and proveth things by), which by a pretty surprising uncouthness in conceit or expression doth affect and amuse the fancy, stirring in it some wonder, and breeding some delight thereto.

Reason returns, recalls redundant rage, Saves sinking soldiers, softens signiors sage.

For in the lower orders its activity is not so evident; it has a lower degree of objectivation; whereas, in the class which stands above the higher order of animals, that is, in men, reason enters in; and with reason comes discretion, and with discretion, the capacity of dissimulation, which throws a veil over the operations of the will.

In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies; All quit their sphere, and rush into the skies.

Redbud raised her head quickly at her friend's exclamation, and discerned the reason therefor.

For, ah, both arms and reason powerless prove To turn the purpose of a king in love.

But then there was reason enoughexcuse enough, anyhowfor that.

Yet, whatever hope may persuade, or reason evince, experience can boast of very few additions to ancient fable.

Why shouldn't I go?" "There's no reason exceptme," she replied, rather unsteadily.

The intellect is the spiritual eye whose mysterious telescope reason forms, or: reason is a necessary appendage of mental optics, or again: reason is the glass used by the eye of a defective intellect.

121 Words to use with  reasoning