14 Words to use with reconstructions

Objection has been made that under the first section of the pending pacts it might be claimed that we would be called upon to submit to arbitration of the Monroe Doctrine, or our right to exclude foreign peoples from our shores, or the question of the validity of southern bonds issued in reconstruction days.

Troubles in the South; the Ku Klux Klan.%Grant and Colfax began their term of office on March 4, 1869, and soon found that the reconstruction policy of Congress had not been so successful as they could wish, and that the work of protecting the freedman in the exercise of his new rights was not yet completed.

This doctrine is of recent invention, only coming into force during the "reconstruction period" following the War between the States, when it was brought forward by certain leaders of the Republican party to justify their enfranchisement of the negroes in the hope that by this act they could fix their party in power to perpetuity.

After that there was a conservative reaction, followed by a new radical wave in reconstruction times, which ended with another conservative reaction at the time of the first election of President Cleveland.

From 1865 to 1870 the matters of public concern were the reconstruction measures and the public debt.

The government has sent women architects and interior decorators to East Prussia to plan and carry through reconstruction work.

Congress, under Articles of Confederation, and see Continental Congress; reconstruction plan of; gives land grants; acts of 1862 and 1863.

Il n'est pas défendu au poète et au philosophe d'essayer sur les faits sociaux ce que le naturaliste essaie sur les faits zoologiques, la reconstruction du monstre d'après l'empreinte de l'ongle ou l'alvéole de la dent.

Cabinet pudding, if a "left-over," should perhaps be called "reconstruction pudding."

During the work of reconstruction Sunday services were held in the school at the rear, which was built some time before, at a cost of 1,700 pounds.


It was shattered by an earthquake, and in its reconstruction wood rather than marble was used for the supporting pillars within, but no one would find out that the stately clusters of columns were not from the quarries rather than the forests, unless personally conducted to the discovery.

"Tenure of Office Act"; Johnson impeached%By this time the quarrel between the President and Congress had reached such a crisis that the Republican, leaders feared he would obstruct the execution of the reconstruction law by removing important officials chiefly responsible for its administration, and putting in their places men who would not enforce it.

The first prayers for relief came from the Southern states, who were still groaning under reconstruction governments; but as the Southern whites were then rather poor, their complaints were neglected.

14 Words to use with  reconstructions