18 Words to use with reports

I also have the first monthly report card ever issued in Little Rock.

Lastly, let us take the report sheet of one not wholly absent from the public eye, whom I will designate merely by the initials W.W. Pride . . . . . . . .

Reading report blanks.

Today was a holiday, so I went to collect my report book from New College where I had given it to Sir for his signing.

There Guyomar's Brigade had been annihilated; there, the Lhéritier Division had been exterminated; here the 7th Corps had perished; there, without having even reached the enemy's infantry, had fallen "beneath the cool and well-aimed firing," as the Prussian report states, the whole of General Margueritte's cavalry.

[Footnote A: This and the other reports concern, not St. John's merely, but the entire population of the island.]

You know the kind of thing: HistoryIs most diligent but needs concentration; MusicLacks purposefulness, does not practise sufficiently; MathematicsWeak; General ConductMight be better; Conversational FrenchSera plus facile avec plus de confiance; TheologyA sad falling off; and so on; and it occurred to me that it might not be a bad thing if the report system, instead of stopping with our school-days, pursued us through life.

Speaking of the condition of slaves, in the eastern part of that state, the report says,"The master puts the unfortunate wretches upon short allowances, scarcely sufficient for their sustenance, so that a great part of them go half starved much of the time.

In anticipation of the report steps had already been taken to commence the system, the first homeward bound Atlantic convoy starting on May 24.

Mr. Jackson was easygoing with his family, but occasionally his foot came down like a steam hammer, as witness the Wrykyn school-report affair.

The Attorney-General of the United States early in August last completed the adjudication of the claims under this convention, and made his report thereon in pursuance of the act of the 8th of August, 1846.

half England unprotectedand Messire Heleigh on the face of him was a paste-board bucklerwas an event which Leicester would neither anticipate nor on report credit.

Your question on my being writing drew it forth, though with more seriousness than the report deservedyet talking to one's dearest friend is neither wrong nor out of season.

Madier de Montjau, who also arrived from the barricades, added to my report details of what he had seen.

And though you thank God that you lost none there, 'Cause they were such who liv'd not when they were; Yet your great Generall (who doth rise and fall, As his successes do, whom you dare call, As Fame unto you doth reports dispence, Either a or his Excellence)

Wife, go to, have regard to what you say; Let not your words pass forth the verge of reason, But keep within the bounds of modesty; For ill-report doth like a bailiff stand, To pound the straying and the wit-lost tongue, And makes it forfeit into folly's hands.

350 The accompanying is the official report form sent in by us to Government every month showing the results of the work JAIL GATE BRIGADECOLOMBOITS RESULTS.

Wiche thinge I thinke and beleve you shal never by report knowe, unless by your selfe you hire.

18 Words to use with  reports