75 Words to use with reserved

SEE Glass, Carter. Paupers as heads of reserve banks urged, Glass says.

If you feel like giving me a chance II'd like to see if I've any reserve force or whether the decency in me has all evaporated.

"A two-per-cent dividend is disappointing and we are paying this by cutting down the reserve fund.

(e) Rations, consisting of 1 or 2 reserve rations (bacon, hard bread, coffee, sugar, and salt).

Three cities, New York, Chicago, and St. Louis, have long been designated as central reserve cities, and some 47 other cities as reserve cities, in which the reserves of banks were required to bear a considerably larger proportion to their deposits than in other cities.

Being able to see nothing, I went back to bed for some hours and spent the afternoon at a Battery O.P., which had been specially arranged for this offensive, in an Italian reserve trench just off the Pec-Merna road.

Hitherto dealings in the language had been entirely with the women in the villages and billets of the reserve lines, where there was plenty of time to find means of expressing the two things that for the most part were all they had to expresstheir wants and their thanks.

I came here in pursuance of a different plan to kidnap hima sort of reserve plan, to be employed in case other means should fail.

The thing that at once impresses the stranger, along with the apparent reserve strength, is the moral earnestness behind that strength, the passionate conviction that they are fighting a defensive fight, that they are right.

I likewise asked for the reserve company of Kashmir troops to cross over as soon as a path could be made under cover of the fire of the already extended companies of the Pioneers.

Dr. Haack is an artillery reserve officer, and he was then going to join his regiment.

Chemical quantitative studies have shown that by repeated stimulation, the adrenal glands may be exhausted of their reserve supply of secretion, which returns only insufficiently if not enough time is given for recuperation.

The national army at this date contained 1,400,000 men, the regular army 525,741, the national guard 434,511 and the reserve corps 210,528.

Some examples of legal reserve requirements in the United States occur in the two following chapters.]

This matter of potential is comparable to the factor of reserve power or margin of safety demonstrated up to the hilt for such organs as the heart and kidney as varying from individual to individual.

Directors in class C are appointed by the Federal Reserve Board, one of them being designated as chairman of the board of directors and as Federal reserve agent.

At two o'clock, when the Turks' final effort against Jerusalem had just failed, the 60th and 74th Divisions both sent in the good news that the Turkish commander was moving his reserve division from Bireh westwards to meet the attack from our left.

A rapid march brought reserve regiments of a division of the 5th Corps into Vigneulles in the early morning, where it linked up with patrols of our 4th Corps, closing the salient and forming a new line west of Thiaucourt to Vigneulles and beyond Fresnes-en-Woevre.

The utmost confidence prevailed that the united forces under General Foch, who was called by Marshal Joffre "the greatest strategist in Europe," would not only meet and defeat this renewed drive by the enemy, but that before long the tide of battle would turn strongly in favor of the Allies, whose reserve armies were held in leash by their supreme commander, awaiting the strategic hour to strike.

Federal reserve notes.

Does the absence of pigment suggest absence of reserve energy?

There were at that time four legions, and as a legion, including the reserve troops, contained three thousand men, the total is twelve thousand; now the account which mentions twenty-four thousand men must have presumed that there were four field legions and four irregular civic ones.

It had been exhausting and almost sleepless work for the detachments for several days past, for Darrell and a working party of forty were away preparing the reserve position on San Michele, and we had hardly any reliefs for the guns.

# Life insurance plans may be distinguished, with reference to the time and method of collecting the premiums, as assessment and reserve insurance.

The ground for his action was that he had been informed that a number of suspicious articles were on board for Delagoa Bay, including boxes of ammunition stowed in the main hold, buried under reserve coal.

75 Words to use with  reserved