5 Words to use with reservoir

Supposing serious attention were to be given to such a scheme, there would, without doubt, be very great difficulty in finding suitable situations, from an engineering and land owner's point of view, for the requisite dams and reservoir areas.

This catastrophe induced an examination to be made of other storage reservoir dams in the same district, and a report on the subject was presented to Parliament by Sir Robert Rawlinson.

The reservoir discharges into two tunnels (see Fig. 11), driven one above the other through a hill into an adjacent valley.

They can see through politics, mature mighty water reservoir schemes, and manage five stations at once, but they couldn't sew on a button or fix one's hair to save their life.

Beginning about 1783 there was accordingly a general replacement of the reservoir system by the new one of tide-flowing.

5 Words to use with  reservoir