32 Words to use with roaring

BRYSON, RUTH MILLER. Out of the roaring loom.

As the schooner got nearer to the real cape, the sight of the seas tumbling in and breaking on its ragged rock, and the hollow roaring sound they made, actually became terrific.

It did not lead me to the peaks and the roaring waters.

Captain Bludder and his roaring blades assumed their fiercest looks, swore their loudest oaths, twisted their shaggy moustaches, and tapped their rapier-hilts; but they prudently forbore to draw their weapons, well knowing that the proceeding would be a signal for a brawl, and that the cry of "Clubs!" would be instantly raised.

Now a loud roar resounds along the hedgerow like the deafening boom of the surge; it moderates, dies away, then an elm close by bends and sounds as the blast comes again.


THE IMMIGRANTS HORACE HOLLEY ex-'10 Upon mine ear a deep, unbroken roar Thunders and rolls, as when the moving sea, Too long asleep, pours on th' resisting shore Full half his cohorts, tramping audibly.

Into the same he creeps, and thenceforth there Resolved to build his baleful mansion, In dreary darkness, and continual fear Of that rock's fall, which ever and anon Threats with huge ruin him to fall upon, That he dare never sleep, but that one eye Still ope he keeps for that occasion; Nor ever rests he in tranquillity, The roaring billows beat his bower so boisterously.

We had heard much of Lochbuy's being a great roaring braggadocio, a kind of Sir John Falstaff, both in size and manners; but we found that they had swelled him up to a fictitious size, and clothed him with imaginary qualities.

The gale increasedthe night grew pitchy darkthe roaring breakers were on his lee-beamthe drifting vessel strikes, rebounds, and strikes againthe cry of horror rings through the flapping cordage, and despair is in the eyes of the demon-crew.

We crossed a roaring brook lined by thick, green brush, very pleasant to the eye, and bronze-gold ferns that were beautiful.

He looked wildly up, and round, and then his head dropped again on his breast; and he lay clinging with outspread arms, like Homer's polypus in the Odyssey, as the wave drained back, in a thousand roaring cataracts, over the edge of the rock.

So, go to it, folks, an' I'm thinkin' my friends, Bill an' Gus" Roaring cheers interrupted the earnest speaker.

A crash, a sudden roaring clamour, and where had marched Black Ivo's reserve of archers and pikemen was nought but a scattered rout.

Still, as they trotted slowly away from the burning barn, Haw-Haw kept his glance fixed behind him until a final roaring crash and a bellying cloud of fire that smote the zenith announced the end of the barn.

The Speedy soon opened on the French Commodore; then, by the roar astern, I knew Le Cerf was at work in the smoke.

The colonel caught at him, tore off a piece of his collarthe calm, solemn face of the keeper flashed past beneath him, and disappeared through the roaring gate.

Musica est mentis medicina moestae, a roaring-meg against melancholy, to rear and revive the languishing soul; [3470]"affecting not only the ears, but the very arteries, the vital and animal spirits, it erects the mind, and makes it nimble."

And in that one day I past thirty and seven boiling springs; but whether they boiled truly, I do have no knowledge; only that they sent out a great steam oft-times; and some did make a strong roaring noise; so that to hear them afar off in the forests was to think odd times that some wild beast roared strangely.

Then came the vast white mountain rushing over the roaring ocean, up the cliffs and into the gloomy forests, blotting the lonely horseman from sight.

But all who have time should go prepared to camp awhile on the riverbank, to rest and learn something about the plants and animals and the mighty flood roaring past.

It was he who guessed that the striking of matches somehow terrified her; he who discovered that it was a horrid roaring river she thought she heard, and he pretended he heard it too, and persuaded her that if she lay very still it would run past.

Indian Cañon, through which I climbed, was choked with snow that had been shot down in avalanches from the high cliffs on either side, rendering the ascent difficult; but inspired by the roaring storm, the tedious wallowing brought no fatigue, and in four hours I gained the top of a ridge above the valley, 8000 feet high.

The light canoe was paddled over the roaring stream, that thundered on in its majesty, even as now.

As you approach them, they leap up, and prove themselves to belong to a party of four-eyes, who runthere is no other worddown the beach, dash into the roaring surf, and the moment they see you safe in the sea run back again on the next wave, and begin staring at the sky once more.

32 Words to use with  roaring