39 Words to use with royall

And in our royall thrones, which lately stood In th'hearts of men to rule them carefully, He now hath placed his accursed brood, 315 By him begotten of fowle Infamy; Blind Error, scornefull Follie, and base Spight, Who hold by wrong that wee should have by right.

More then have spoke[n]; by my royall blood, My mind's establisht, not to be withstood.

Whose brave demeanour, oft when they did shoot, Invited royall princes from their courts Into the wilde woods to behold their sports!

A royall bounty, which my memory Shall never loose; no, nor these noble favours Which from the Lady Marquesse Alquevezze Raynd plenteously on me.

sweet Musicke; Bellizarius, thou maist live; The King is full of royall bountylike The ambition of mortalityexamine; That recantation isa toy.

" "From royall court I lately came," said he, "Where all the braverie that eye may see, And all the happinesse that heart desire, Is to be found; he nothing can admire, 610 That hath not seene that heavens portracture.

Thy wrongs have roused thy royall fathers ghost, And from his quiat grave king Edwards come To guard thy innocent life, my princely sonne.

Henrick, my Lord, And now my Soveraigne, I am by office bound To offer to your Royall hands this Crowne Which on my knees I tender, all being ready To set it on your head.

And that in respect of the hard iourney which they haue vndertaken to places so far distant, it would please your Maiestie with some libertie and securitie of voiage to gratifie it, with such priuileges as to you shall seeme good: which curtesie if your Imperiall maiestie shal to our subiects at our requests performe, wee according to our royall honour, wil recompence the same with as many deserts as we can.

Two royall Iewels you give me, this and this: Father, your hand is lucky, I am covetous Of one Gift more: After your sacred way Make you this Queene a wife: our Coronation Is turn'd into a bridall.

Their grand Commission, where I found Horatio, Oh royall knauery: An exact command, [Sidenote: A royall] [Sidenote: 196] Larded with many seuerall sorts of reason;

Our Journey to Madrid the Kinge himselfe Cutts off, by these his royall letters sent Upon the wings of speed to all your Graces.

Long after, a piece thereof happened to come to my handes; which notwithstanding it was al to rent and defaced, I shewed to mayster Richarde Pace, then chiefe Secretarie to the kinges most Royall maiestie, whereof he exceedingly reioysed.

Stand up; that mercy which you aske is signd By our most royall master.

And now, deere Ladie, let us celebrate Our happie royall nuptials and my sonnes With this our sweete and generall amitie Which heaven smile on with his goulden eye.

After this with great feasting and pompe, and with great company, he is brought into the royall palace in the city.

Neere vnto his royall pallace there is an inestimable treasure whereof hee

And for the furie, you shall onderstand That neither doeth the litle greatest god Finde such rebelling here in Britain land Against his royall power as asketh rod Of ruth from hell to wreke his names decaie Nor Pluto heareth

Methinks this royall presence hath dim lookes.

Oh no doubt, Accutus, be the attempt My perill, his royall promise is past In that behalfe.

There in his bosome Sapience doth sit, The soveraine dearling of the Deity, Clad like a queene in royall robes, most fit 185 For so great powre and peerelesse maiesty, And all with gemmes and iewels gorgeously Adornd, that brighter then the starres appeare, And make her native brightnes seem more cleare.

strange indeed; for had he but come up And taken the Court in that affright and stirre While unresolv'd for whom or what to doe, Each on [of?] the other had in iealousie (While as apaled Maiestie not yet Had time to set the countenance), he would Have hazarded the royall seat.

And hencefourthe onlye love your royall selfe.

"Ne let Elisa, royall shepheardesse, 225 The praises of my parted* love envy, For she hath praises in all plenteousnesse Powr'd upon her, like showers of Castaly, By her owne shepheard, Colin, her own shepheard, That her with heavenly hymnes doth deifie, 230 Of rusticke Muse full hardly to be betterd.

Given at our Court at Oxford, under our signett and Royall signature the twelfe day of Marche in the twentieth year of our Raigne 1644.

39 Words to use with  royall