11 Words to use with sadness

Witty Timanthes had he seen, e're whiles, What face of woe thy cheek of sadness bears, He had not curtained Agamemnon's tears.

"Ye springs and founts that sparkling well from yonder mountain-side, And flow with dimpling torrent o'er mead and garden wide, If e'er the tears that from my breast to these sad eyes ascend Should with your happy waters their floods of sadness blend, Oh, take them to your bosom with love, for love has bidden These drops to tell the wasting woe that in my heart is hidden.

Whereas, if we observe a designing man, we shall find a mark of involuntary sadness break in upon his joy, and a certain insurrection in the soul, the natural concomitant of profligate principles.

The woodman laves his brow, Where shrouded monks and vestals came With many a sacred vow; And bluely gleams thy sainted spring Beneath the sunny tree; Then let no heart its sadness bring, When Nature is with thee.

A great sadness hath been thrown O'er my mind and o'er my feelings, A dark blank whose dim revealings Make their sombre tints mine own.

Thou one blind Sailor, rich in joy Though blind, thy tunes in sadness hum; And mourn, thou poor half-witted Boy! Born deaf, and living deaf and dumb.

"And you got the pass?" asked the parson, regarding the money with a sadness incomprehensible to Jules.

The comedy sinks to an accessory, and if there are loud laughs they seem a convulsive transition from sobs; or if the comedy is touched with a gentle lovingness, the panoramic scene is one where "Sadness is a kind of mirth So mingled as if mirth did make us sad And sadness merry.

Let this time of sadness pass, Let these hours of lonely vigil, Then for fame and its applauses, Which no merit of my own, But my father's name may bring me.

As soon as they found themselves at home in the large friendly room, as far removed from the town which they had just been scouring as if they had been a hundred leagues away from it, all uneasiness and all sadness vanishedeven to the recollection of the wretched afternoon wasted in useless wanderings.

A fair young friend, whose aching heart Now feels affliction's keenest dart, Must long in sadness weep; Her brightest hopes are fled away, Alas!

11 Words to use with  sadness