6 Words to use with salutations

Salutation paysanne.

Old friends of ours were with thee, faces loving; Time short: and salutations cursory, Though deep, and hearty.

Later he added to these concomitants of a Salutation evening, "Egg-hot, Welsh-rabbit, and metaphysics," and gave as his highest idea of heaven, listening to Coleridge "repeating one of Bowles's sweetest sonnets, in your sweet manner, while we two were indulging sympathy, a solitary luxury, by the fire side at the Salutation.

With her pale cheeks crimsoned with blushes, and her dark eyes flashing with mingled emotions of shame and pleasure, Aveline steps forwardand having no other favour to bestow upon her knight, she gives him her kerchief, which he presses to his lips, and then with a graceful salutation moves forward on his course.

Quand vous rencontrez des personnes à qui vous deuez du respect, outre les devoirs d'vne salutation ordinaire, vous estes obligé de vous arrester quelque peu de temps, ou de rebrousser chemin jusqu'à l'entrée des portes, ou aux coins des ruës, pour leur donner passage.

The French custom of salutation prevails.

6 Words to use with  salutations