18 Words to use with satisfactions

THE CHOICE If Heaven the grateful liberty would give, That I might choose my method how to live; And all those hours propitious fate should lend, In blissful ease and satisfaction spend.

That the truest satisfaction life can afford is to be found in work done for human good is conspicuously shown in the experiences of Romola.

"Well, perhaps I'd got all the satisfaction dinner parties and dances and the society at hotels can give.

He had at all times displayed an anxious dreaminess, his eyes had ever sought far-away things, the unknown land where perfect satisfaction dwelt, yonder, behind the horizon.

" I thought I saw the faintest possible expression of satisfaction flicker across her face, but if so it was gone immediately.

Indeed, I am of the opinion, Conscript Fathers, that if you heed my counsel I may enjoy in your company and with thorough satisfaction freedom and preservation, but that if you vote anything different, I shall choose to die rather than to live.

Does it require for its satisfaction material and visible things such as land or houses, or is the holding, say, of colonial railway shares sufficient?

"Le soussigné se félicite beaucoup d'être l'intermédiaire par les mains duquel ces documents arrivent sous l'oeil de votre Majesté, étant persuadé que la lecture en fournira à votre Majesté l'occasion de recourir avec une grande satisfaction patriotique, comme protecteur éminent des sciences, à l'institution d'un de ses illustres prédécesseurs;

But Henderson's claim was annulled by the legislature, and the satisfaction-piece of 200,000 acres allotted him was laid off elsewhere; so his contracts with the settlers came to nothing, and they eventually got title in the usual way from North Carolina.

When his father suggested that the whole Bolton family was making itself disagreeable, he could with much satisfaction reply that he did not intend to marry the whole Bolton family.

Yet some course you must take, which for my satisfaction resolve and open; if you will shape none, I must inform you that that man but perswades himself he means to live, that imagines not the means.

APPÉTIT, m., inclination qui porte à désirer une chose pour la satisfaction des sens; désir de manger.

But now unhappy doubts intrude To bid my satisfaction shrink; For Fashion in a gracious mood Allows her devotees to think.

Trussed up he sat, the mockery of himself; And when upon the wan green of his eye I marked the gathering lustre of a tear, Thought I myself must weep, until I caught A grey, smug smile of satisfaction smirch

30. ' 'Tis not the place disgust or pleasure brings: From our own mind our satisfaction springs.' 425.

Le Directeur du Département Politique m'informe, que lors de la communication qu'il a faite à l'Ambassadeur d'Autriche du contenu de la réponse serbe à l'ultimatum, l'Ambassadeur n'a pas caché son étonnement de ce qu'elle n'ait pas donné satisfaction à Giesl.

I seem to feel A certain satisfaction steal Into my heart, and into my brain, As if my talent had not lain Wrapped in a napkin, and all in vain.

And he appreciated the satisfaction chastity offered with all the enchantments of novelty.

18 Words to use with  satisfactions