7 Words to use with scholarship

New York State Council Knights of Columbus scholarship test.

However, as in theory all of the first class were equal, and as there were some Sizars in it senior in entrance to me, they obtained places first: and I was not actually appointed till after the next scholarship examination (Easter 1821).

But the system which turns out a few good scholars every year passes over the heads of the great mass of university students without having awakened them to any intellectual life; the universities are scholarship-factories producing good articles but with a terrible waste of raw material.

I had already chosen the profession of medicine, and through his posthumous generosity and my good fortune in a scholarship competition, I became a medical student at University College, London.

Why, I have even heard that you had your eye on some classical scholarship prize as soon as this.

and yet modern scholarship wonders at the decay of classical studies in an impatient age.

Let us mix with these a big proportiona proportion we may increase steadilyof keen scholarship men from the elementary schools.

7 Words to use with  scholarship