36 Words to use with secession

The greatest aggravation of the evil, and that which would place us in the most unfavorable light both before the world and posterity, is, as I am firmly convinced, that the secession movement has been chiefly based upon a misapprehension at the South of the sentiments of the majority in several of the Northern States.

Scores of the old families of the city were under the ban simply because they had pleaded for deliberation before deciding on the secession ordinance.

" "Our position," said the Mississippi secession convention, "is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery.

No doubt the Secession leaders have treated us very handsomely, as to amount of provocation.

With the same mind to dictate a secession message to a Legislature and a non-coercion message to Congressto assemble insurrectionary troops to seize Federal forts and withhold Government troops from their protectionto incite governors to rebellion and overawe a weak President to a virtual abdication of his rightful authority, history need not wonder at the surprising unity and early success of the conspiracy against the Union.

During the Civil War, Anna Dickinson by her remarkable lecture entitled, "The National Crisis" saved New Hampshire and Connecticut for the Republicans; Anna Carroll not only gave such a crushing rejoinder to Breckinridge's secession speech that the government printed and distributed it, but she also, as is now generally believed, planned the campaign which led to the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson and opened the Mississippi to Vicksburg.

Max P. Pottag & Nilo W. Hovey (A); 26Jan70; R477393. POTTER, DAVID M. Lincoln and his party in the secession crisis.

Q. From your observation, what is your opinion as to the loyalty toward the Government of the United States among the secession portion of the people of that State at this time?

The State that hatched the secession egg, and proclaimed herself at all times first and foremost for the perpetuation of slavery, will not exult at the change which circumstances have wrought.

The secession element in Missouri recognized the importance of the line in this respect, and were persistent in their efforts to destroy it.

To tell you the truth, Mr. Sprague, it is partly because we were abused a good deal for holding back when the secession excitement was first started, that I am soso anxious about the story getting out that we entertained a Yankee prisoner.

Jack had ingloriously shirked his part in the battle with the Caribees; he had skulked in the bushes until the issue was decided, and then had followed the sympathies of his secession family; he had gone to the Atterburys, well known for their hatred to the North.

Nevertheless, a small picket-guard of the Secessionists had been accustomed to occupy a part of the bridge, sometimes coming even to the centre, and a Secession flag waved in sight of the fort.

Sermons, agricultural addresses, and speeches at railroad banquets were only so many secession harangues.

Believing that slavery was not necessary to the production of sugar and cotton; believing that the country could show far more prosperity under the new system of labor than was ever seen under the old; and believing that commerce would find new and enlarged channels with the return of peace, they combated the secession heresies of the old residents, and displayed their faith by their works.

Mr. Buchanan's truce with the South Carolina Representatives had as little effect in arresting the secession intrigues as his non-coercion doctrine officially announced in the annual message.

Having once known what it was to be members of a grand and peaceful constellation, we shall not believe, without further proof, that the laws of our gravitation are to be abolished, and we flung forth into chaos, a hurlyburly of jostling and splintering stars, whenever Robert Toombs or Robert Rhett, or any other Bob of the secession kite, may give a flirt of self-importance.

Maryland was kept from wheeling into the Secession line only by the presence on her soil, and in her vicinity, of strong Federal armies.

The fact was rumored, not only in the political circles of the capital, but in the chief newspapers of the country; and the three secession members of the Cabinet had doubtless communicated it confidentially to all their prominent and influential confederates.

A parley was held with a Secession officer, who represented that the men in arms in Hampton were only a domestic police.

He suppressed the secession organ in St. Louis, thus trampling upon the liberties of the Rebel Press.

Secession peaceable!

There were in the several forts not only the cannon to arm them, but also considerable quantities of ammunition and other government property; and aware of the hum of secession preparation which began to fill the air in Charleston, Captain Foster in October asked the Ordnance Bureau at Washington for forty muskets, with which to arm twenty workmen in Fort Sumter and twenty in Castle Pinckney.

One evening, while making a visit at the house of an acquaintance, the hostess introduced me to a young lady of the strongest secession proclivities.

Rabid abolitionism, with its intense, infernal hate, intensified by the same hate from secession quarters, is fast gaining the ascendancy.

36 Words to use with  secession