5 Words to use with secrecy

Our interview was a long one, but the plan we hit upon was, in the end, very simple and, indeed, the circumstances of the case, the short time, and the necessity for the greatest secrecy demand that the simplest methods should be employed.

ARKAS Why dost thou hide from him thy origin? IPHIGENIA A priestess secrecy doth well become.

If, however, any motives for secrecy exist, I will not press the inquiry, but leave the disclosure to a more convenient season.

Should you think proper to sanction what has been done, or be of opinion that anything more shall be done in the same way, you will judge whether there are not circumstances which would render secrecy expedient.

The extreme care which was taken to preserve this secrecy inviolate, and its purpose, were indicated in an incident handed down by tradition.

5 Words to use with  secrecy