8 Words to use with seeme

My noble Lords, Let it not seeme displeasing to your wisdomes, I humbly ask in what I have offended, Or how suspected stand, or with what cryme blotted,

For if longe lyfe contentment bredes, In that the poore the ritche exceedes; The ritch man's dayes are short, as spent In pleasures and supposed content; Whylst to us poore men care and troble Makes every hower wee wast seeme duble.

And that in respect of the hard iourney which they haue vndertaken to places so far distant, it would please your Maiestie with some libertie and securitie of voiage to gratifie it, with such priuileges as to you shall seeme good: which curtesie if your Imperiall maiestie shal to our subiects at our requests performe, wee according to our royall honour, wil recompence the same with as many deserts as we can.

And we will share the profits, live like Kings, And yet seeme liberall in common things.

No, my good Lords, those vollyes never fright me; Yet, not to seeme remisse or sleep secure here, I have taken order to prevent their angers; I have sent Patents out for the choicest Companies Hether to be remov'd: first, Collonell Veres From Dort; next Sir Charles Morgans, a stowt Company; And last my Cosens, the Count Ernests Company: With theis I doubt not to make good our busines; They shall not find us babes.

Divels seeme Saints, and in these hatefull times, Deceite can beare apparraunt signes of trueth, And vice beare shew of vertues excellence.

And that way will I take, though it seeme steepe

But when these experiments growe to superstition and impiety, they are either to be forsaken as vaine, or denyed as false: howbeit, if these things be done for recreation and mirth, and not to the hurt of our neighbour, nor to the prophaning and abusing of Gods holy name: then sure they are neither impious nor altogether vnlawfull, though heerein or heereby a naturall thing be made to seeme supernaturall.

8 Words to use with  seeme