12 Words to use with seer

At last it slinks away within the gloom; No more from their wild home doth either come, Three days Prince Zaidu watches the dark lair, But now his courage turns to blank despair: The seer hath changed his mind since Samas sought To urge him forth to leave his lonely lot.

why did my seer attempt to slay The dragons that we met upon the way, He slew his foe, and like a lion died.

The seer awakes, with wonder eyes her now: "Thy glory thou hast brought to me!"

In these wild caves its strength has mighty grown; If he the beast destroys, I will make known His dream to hime'en all the seer doth know; And now with thee to Erech I will go.

WHO GUIDE THE SUN IN THE HEAVENSTHEY MAKE MERRY OVER THE KING, AND DIRECT HIM ON HIS WAY The King within the cave his seer entombs, And mourning sadly from the cavern comes; The entrance closes with the rocks around, Again upon his journey he is bound.

The many generations which inherited from each other the seer faculty, developed and improved, living the secluded, severe, and simple lives of the anchorite, amid the grand and solemn silence of mountain and desert, were enabled, by wondrous and protracted effort, to wear through the filamentimpenetrable as adamant to common menthat screened from them the invisible future, and they told What they saw.

In a Sicilian story a seer foretells that a king will have a daughter who, in her fourteenth year, will conceive a child by the Sun.

Virgil has enshrined in verse the legend of the arrival of the Trojan Aeneas in Italy, and Giorgione depicts the moment when Evander, the aged seer-king, and his son Pallas point out to the wanderer the site of the future Capitol.

Immortal lives the seer beside the sea; Through Hades pass, and soon the seer mayst see.

Before the chariot of their great Sar, Who with his seer rides in his brazen car, The seers a proclamation loud proclaim And cheer their Sar and seer; and laud the name Of their great monarch, chanting thus his praise, While Erech's band their liveliest marches play: "If anyone to glory can lay claim Among all chiefs and warriors of fame, We Izdubar above them all proclaim Our Izzu-Ul-bar of undying fame.

The mighty deed of strength the seer appals, And at the feet of Izdubar he falls: "Immortal king!

From this lofty eminence the seer-statesmanrising far above the philosophical sagacity displayed by Aristotle and Varro, when they discussed the sacred topicproclaims that Capital ought to own, and has a divine right to own, and always more or less does own, Labor; and that, since Labor constitutes the whole humanity of the laboring man, it clearly follows that he himself must be owned, if his labor be owned.

12 Words to use with  seer