7 Words to use with siller

It was a siller dollar I gie'd him, for it was awa' oot west this happened, where they dinna have the paper money so much as in the east.

What was Munro doing for rakin' in the best part o' the siller folk paid to hear us?

'But what guid is the siller gaun to dae me, if I squander it a' on her?

o' siller lace, And troth ye wi' a ring; Sae bid the blushes to your face, My ain wee thing!" sang Mary.

'Tis like the hall mark on a bit o' siller plate.

, Her cheeks were like wine, Her eyes in her wee face Like water-sparks shine, Her niminy fingers Her sleep tresses preen, The which in the combing She peeps out between; Singing down-adown-derry. Down-adown-derry, Shrill, shrill was her tune: "Come to my water-house, Annie Maroon: Come in your dimity, Ribbon on head, To wear siller seaweed And coral instead"; Singing down-adown-derry.

The tane it built with the green, green moss, But and the bents sae fine, And the tither wi' a lock o' lady's hair Linked up wi' siller twine.

7 Words to use with  siller