84 Words to use with sinning

No faltaban, sin embargo, algunos que, más avisados ó maliciosos, creyeron sorprender en la asiduidad del solícito mancebo algunos Señales de mal disimulado amor.

for sin hath compassed me about, That, Lord, I know not where to find thee out.

Atonement N. atonement, reparation; compromise, composition; compensation &c 30; quittance, quits; expiation, redemption, reclamation, conciliation, propitiation; indemnification, redress. amends, apology, amende honorable^, satisfaction; peace offering, sin offering, burnt offering; scapegoat, sacrifice.

Sin duda no traía el bote de sus endiablados untos, porque, á traerlo, seguro que habría atravesado al vuelo la cortadura, dejando á sus perseguidores burlados y jadeantes como lebreles que pierden la pista.

The sin splitter.

There most sin reigns, where least suspicion is. FAU.

We see that every child who is born has that sin principle within him.

They mean that she's never sinned the one sin men mean when they say a lassie's not virtuous!

Y sin agitar sus riendas, sin herirle con el acicate ni animarlo con la voz, el corcel corría, corría sin detenerse.

Look about an' look aroun' Fling yo' sin-pack on d' groun' (Yo' will meet wid d' Lord in d' mornin'!).

Once Peter said, "How oft shall I My brother's sin forgive? How oft shall I, if he confess, His penitence receive?" "Till seven times?"

41, "Now ye say, We see, therefore your sin remaineth;" and 1 John i. 8, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

When Nondre recovered from the fall and saw his nine lifeless companions stretched in death, he gave an agonizing shriek; he wrung his hands, screamed "Favor, favor, me matan sin causa.

Con esto y con que haya salido ya mi escribano, nos quedemos también sin comer....

Su gobierno piensa en reducir muy considerablemente todos los renglones de su arancil; pero se ha espresado con reserva para negar ó conceder, si lo estima conveniente, esta reduccion á las naciones que no correspondan á los beneficios que les ofrece; ninguno puede esperar que le favorezcan sin compensacion.

Oh, why not come and say, "Gladly to Thee, my Saviour, I give myself away?" Only a step, only a step, Come, He waits for thee; Come, and thy sin confessing, Thou shalt receive a blessing: Do not reject the mercy He freely offers thee.'

Hence an infinite penalty for a finite sin conflicts with consciousness and is nowhere asserted in the Bible, which is transcendently more merciful and comforting than many theological systems of belief, however powerfully sustained by dialectical reasoning and by the most excellent men.

Sin contar que el día menos pensado nos va a dar usted un susto con

Forgiveness of sins conies, therefore, at the very start of a right life.

Come into the city, where the nobles and the masters taken captive by sin crowd together, cry the lazy troop of monks: O fathers, it would be well if when you spoke of these things, you touched not this string, by which you allow yourselves to fall into disgrace and disfavor.

Who once doth cherish sin, begets his shame, For vice being foster'd once, comes impudence, Which makes men count sin custom, not offence: When all like me their reputation blot, Pursuing evil, while the good's forgot.

Y fuera de , como loco, sin darse cuenta apenas de lo que le pasaba, corrió en la dirección en que había disparado la saeta, que era la misma en que sonaban los gemidos.

And as to know his works and actions, is not yet rightly to know the Gospel, (for thereby we know not as yet that he hath overcome sin death and the Devil); even so likewise, it is not as yet to know the Gospel, when we know such doctrine and commandments, but when the voice soundeth, which saith, Christ is thine own with life, with doctrine, with works, death, resurrection, and with all that he hath, doth and may do.

Our holy ancient writings say it is No sin deceit to conquer by deceit; And hence fail not to send immediate word That Bukka should to-morrow eve expect Thee as befits a woman of thy rank, And with a hundred maidens in his tent.

From sin defend and keep me free; Help me a Christlike child to be.

84 Words to use with  sinning