24 Words to use with sitting

I passed through a sitting-room into a long gallery, with which the bed-chambers of the ladies communicated.

Watching it, and quickened by the fife and drum to an erect sitting posture, Mrs. Ross slid forward on her bench, lips opening.

"Denique sit finis quaerendi, quoque habeas plus, Pauperiem metuas minus, et finire laborem Incipias; parto, quod avebas, utere.

An sit crux et nubecula in coelis ad Polum Antarcticum, quod ex Corsalio refert Patritius. 3094.

and, E and F] entertaine Thy happy welcome, causing thee sit downe, And with a Lawrell-wreath thy temples crowne.

Mr. Carew had a stone-ring of this kind in his possession, and the person who gave it to him avowed, that "he himself saw a part of the stick sticking in it,"but "Penes authorem sit fides," says Mr. Carew.

Quod nimium est sit ineptum, hinc, ut dixere priores, Et melli nimio fellis amaror inest.

To what end are all those astrological questions, an sit virgo, an sit casta, an sit mulier?

And for that ensample, whan men seyn De profundis, thei seyn it in comoun and in generalle, with the Cristene, pro animabus omnium defunctorum, pro quibus sit orandum.

"For," says Mr. Johnson, "though I do not quite agree with the proverb, that Nullum numen adest si sit prudentia, yet we may very well say, that Nullum numen adest, ni sit prudentia.

Thou was't thine owne Muse, and hadst such vast odds Thou out-writ'st him whose verse made all those Godds: Surpassing those our Dwarfish Age up reares, As much as Greeks or Latines thee in yeares: Thy Ocean Fancy knew nor Bankes nor Damms, We ebbe downe dry to pebble-Anagrams; Dead and insipid, all despairing sit Lost to behold this great Relapse of Wit: What strength remaines, is like that (wilde and fierce)

By the side of the well the old men of the village sit smoking and chatting.

Perinde agit ac siquis de calceo sit sollicitus, pedem nihil curet.

millia personarum, sed non ampliùs: sed sicut praedixi de Curia praecedentis Imperatoris sic nullus hic, cuiuscunque sit status, aut sexus, comedit vltrà semel in die, et hoc ipsum sobriè satis: quoniam prout æstimare possum, expensæ duodecim hominum de nostris communitèr compensarent triginta hominum in partibus illis.

Lit-tle, help-less ba-by dear, While with-in your cot you lie, Sis-ter May is sit-ting near She will sing your lul-la-by.

To what end are all those astrological questions, an sit virgo, an sit casta, an sit mulier?

One day, near the close of November, the deacon and his niece were alone together in the "keeping-room,"as it was, if it be not still, the custom among persons of New England origin to call the ordinary sitting-apartment,he bolstered up in an easy-chair, on account of increasing infirmities, and she plying the needle in her customary way.

Imagine the tea-table placed in your sitting-parlor, all the windows open, and round it, first, the housekeeper pouring out tea; next her, Miss C. Borland; next her, your mother, whose looks spoke love as often as you were mentioned, and that was not infrequently, I assure you.

"O'kyi!" said the old man, and he motioned the stranger to a sitting-place.

SITTING POSITION: Sit down half faced to the right, feet from 6 to 8 inches apart, knees bent, right knee slightly higher than the left, left leg pointed toward the target.

Gavendum hic diligenter a, multum, calefacientibus, atque exsiccantibus, sive alimenta fuerint haec, sive medicamenta: nonnulli enim ut ventositates et rugitus conpescant, hujusmodi utentes medicamentis, plurimum peccant, morbum sit augentes: debent enim medicamenta declinare ad calidum vel frigidum secundum

"You can have your own sitting-roomyour own maid, if you want one.

'Quis Desiderio sit pudor aut modus Tam Chari capitis?' Hor.

An old fellow, as Lycistrata confesseth in Aristophanes, etsi sit canus, cito puellam virginem ducat uxorem, and 'tis no news for an old fellow to marry a young wench: but as he follows it, mulieris brevis occasio est, etsi hoc non apprehenderit, nemo vult ducere uxorem, expectans vero sedet; who cares for an old maid?

24 Words to use with  sitting