27 Words to use with situations

A l'occasion de l'arrivée du Président de la République Français le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères avait préparé un court exposé de la situation politique actuelle, à pen près dans les termes suivants: L'Autriche, craignant la décomposition intérieure, s'est emparée du prétexte de l'assassinat de l'Archiduc pour essayer d'obtenir des garanties qui pourront revêtir la forme

Although this fact is known, the sacrifices which are required for warlike preparations are no longer so willingly made as the gravity of the situation demands.

j'ai couché cette nuit excellementet j'espère que ma chère épouse aura passé cette nuit aussi bien que moi. J'attend avec beaucoup d'impatience une lettre que m'apprendra comme vous avez passé le jour d'hier; je tremble quand je pense au baigne de St. Antoine; car je crains toujours le risque de tomber sur l'escalier en sortantet je me trouve entre l'espérance et la crainteune situation bien désagréable!

In every social situation construction and destruction are Siamese twins.

They were fastened together in couples by the wrists and legs, and kept in that situation day and night.

Autrement la médiation ne servira que de prétexte pour tirer en longueur la solution de la question et donnera entre temps à l'Autriche la possibilité d'écraser complètement la Serbie et d'occuper une situation dominante dans les Balcans.

Does any one cognizant of the situation doubt for a moment that provincial and municipal affairs in the Philippine Islands would to-day be more efficiently administered if provincial and municipal officers were appointed instead of being elected?

This general, and in their peculiar situation especial, duty performed, the gentle girls felt more assured.

The war since that first attemptadmirably planned and altogether justifiable (from a military point of view, I mean)of Germany to "rush" a victory, has consisted almost entirely of failures on both sides either to get round or through or over the situation foretold by Bloch.

9, 14 Ulcilles Hirrus, one of Pompey's officers, C. i. 15 Ulla, or Ulia, a town in Hispania Baetica, in regard to whose situation geographers are not agreed; some making it Monte Major, others Vaena, others Vilia Umbria, a large country of Italy, on both sides of the Apennines Unelli, an ancient people of Gaul, uncertain, G. ii.

After a review of the situation hopes were held out that during the second half of 1917 an addition of about 1,000,000 tons of shipping from the shipyards within the United Kingdom would be effected.

Hotham, I'm in a most peculiar situation HOTHAM.

SOURIS, f., petit animal rongeur, du genre rat. SOUS, prép., qui marque la situation inférieure, la dépendance, etc. SOUSCRIRE, consentir.

J'ai en même temps de nouveau insisté auprès de Grey sur la nécessité de prendre en considération la situation nouvelle créée par

Rappelez-les; votre situation me fait de la peine.

" Quelle scène le voyageur dépeignait-il?Dans quelle situation périlleuse s'était-il trouvé?Comment s'en est-il tiréSon récit a-t-il produit l'effet désiré?Quelle question un de ses auditeurs lui a-t-il posée?Comment le voyageur lui a-t-il répondu? 92.

In an exposed situation rain will drive completely through a tolerably stout brick wall.

A GREEK LOVE-STORY If we imagine the situation reverseda man delivering his "beloved" into the clutches of a tiger rather than to the legitimate caresses of a rivalour horror at his loveless selfishness would be doubled.

Therefore if any deed of violence is encountered,as is often bound to happen when the face of a situation shifts unexpectedly,one might more justly blame the circumstances themselves than him.

A. Certainly not; I should deem it a sin to waste my accomplishments (which are many) in filling a situation suggestive of the servants' hall, rather than of the library.

An open and dry situation suits it best.

Author proceeds to Manchesterfinds a spirit rising among the people there for the abolition of the Slave-tradeis requested to deliver a discourse on the subject of the Slave-tradeheads of itand extractsproceeds to Keddlestonand Birminghamfinds a similar spirit at the latter placerevisits Bristolnew and difficult situation thereAuthor crosses the Severn at nightunsuccessful termination of his journeyreturns to London.

Interesting, and important also, is the ease and efficiency with which he met the situation time after time, after this first success.

But casual social intercourse, the languid interchange of conventional talk, mere gregariousness, must be eschewed by an artist, for the simple reason that his temptation will be to expend his force in entering into closer relations with the casual, and possibly unintelligent, person than the necessities of the situation warrant.

The southerly slopes leading down from the divide to the lower altitudes along the Black River and the breaks of the Blue, are sheltered from the cold northerly winds of the Little Colorado Valley, while the greater natural warmth of the situation aids in preventing any serious accumulation of snow.

27 Words to use with  situations