42 Words to use with sledge

Dave had no relish for standing the full force of those sledge-hammer blows, while Treadwell knew that he must look out for the unexpected from his still nimble opponent.

It was the sledge-dog way of fighting.

Packing the provisions for the sledge journey was of the greatest importance.

The sledge-runners had frozen to the snow, and it took every ounce of his strength to free them.

Runners carried the word over the mountains and through the swamps, and a hundred sledge parties searched the forest trails for the man-fiend and his son.

Fuel for cooking 100 Cooking apparatus 45 Personal clothing, &c., say 100 Tent, say 30 Instruments, &c. 100 - 375 This is half of one of ten sledge loads, or about one-twentieth of the total weight carried.

that Atkinson and Crean had gone towards Safety Camp as we went to Hut Pointlater we saw their sledge track leading round on the sea ice.

This piqued me somewhat and I marched till the sledge meter showed 6 1/2 miles.

We are all acting like seasoned sledge travellers now, such is the force of example.

For the wolves, quick as light to feel the presence of danger, were already far away, trotting swiftly up the frozen arm of the harbor, following another sledge trail which came down that morning from the wilderness.

In less than a quarter of an hour they had started; and Bernardine leaned luxuriously back to enjoy to the full her first sledge-drive.

'Now and then, since the day the traders had first bought him and put him into sledge-traces away over on the Mackenzie, he had often thought of this freedom longingly, the wolf blood in him urging him to take it.

How pretty those sledge-bells are, to be sure!

In their sledge trip he would have her to himself, for not only an hour or two, but for days.

But the big husky turned away sullenly, growling, still snarling, and vented his rage by nipping fiercely at the flank of one of his sledge-mates.

" From outside there came the sharp cracking of a sledge-driver's whip and Gregson went to one of the small windows looking out upon the clearing.

Bjaaland, our ski and sledmaker, took the sleds in hand, and when spring arrived he had entirely made over our sledge equipment.

The season for dog-sledge travel was now over; and as the country afforded no other means of interior transportation, we could not expect to do any more work, or have any further communication with our outlying parties at Anadyrsk and Okhotsk until the arrival of our vessels.

I never had such pulling; all the time the sledge rasps and creaks.

Mon Dieu, she has had enough sledge-riding of late, and I doubt if she will find pleasure in her dogs for a long time.

They were simply to follow the regular sledge road to Anadyrsk via Shestakóva and Penzhina, to ascertain what facilities it offered in the way of timber and soil for the construction of a telegraph line, to set the natives at work cutting poles at Penzhina and Anadyrsk, and to make side explorations where possible in search of timbered rivers connecting Penzhinsk Gulf with Bering Sea.

"Safe!" cried Fred, as he hauled on the sledge rope to drag it farther out of danger.

" Thus urged O'Riley rose, and throwing his sledge-strap over his shoulder, plodded on wearily with the rest.

through the Siberian plains for 1200 m.; it is navigable almost all the way in summer, and in winter it is a highway for sledge traffic; on its banks stand Semipalatinsk, Omsk, and Tobolsk.

Understand?" Jean had bent to unstrap one end of the sledge pack and an angry flash leaped into his eyes at the threatening tone of the engineer's voice.

42 Words to use with  sledge