5 Words to use with sombres

So long as that goes on, this sombre resolve to which we are all awakening, this sombre resolve rather to wreck the whole fabric than to continue patiently at work, will gather strength.

"Growth, maturity, decadence, Form mankind's unchanging role, And the dead past's sombre ruins Are prophetic of the whole.

Now they were climbing a sombre creaking staircase towards a new and remote world that was separated from the common world just quitted by the adventurous passage of the rainy yard....

De Catinat had, during the voyage, exchanged his uniform for a plain sombre suit, so that, except for his military bearing, there was nothing to show that he was a fugitive from the army.

C'est bien, dit Iblis debout dans son volcan, Viens m'aider à souffler, dit-il à l'ouragan. L'âtre flambait; Iblis, suant à grosses gouttes, Se courbait, se tordait, et, sous les sombres voûtes, On ne distinguait rien qu'une sombre rougeur Empourprant le profil du monstrueux forgeur.

5 Words to use with  sombres