15 Words to use with stalking

Pick off all the dead outside leaves, cut off as much of the stalk as possible, and cut the cabbages across twice, at the stalk end; if they should be very large, quarter them.

"You do mean something!" "Come out in the hall and do the corn-stalk prance with me.

We shall be at home here every Saturday evening throughout the seasonpop-corn refreshments and corn-stalk-fiddle music, with conversation!"

TOMATO JELLY Heat to boiling point in agate saucepan 1 cup tomato juice and pulp 2 tablespoons mild vinegar 1 tablespoon gelatin 1/2 tablespoon sugar Bit of bay leaf 1 slice onion 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and leaves from 1 stalk celery.

Banana stalk utilization and disposal.

The great questions that agitate the mind of man have not troubled him, life, death, and love he only perceives as stalks whereon he may weave his glittering web of living words.

But very soon the initial enthusiasm was over and I had to face the stalk reality.

The mescal consisted of round patches of cactus with spear-shaped leaves, low on the ground, with a long dead stalk standing or broken down.

We went on up a hill, and were in the country, and the farmer turned into a farmyard, and the band wagon followed, and the farmer jumped off the corn stalk wagon and rushed for the house, and pa's ten-horse team surrounded the wagon, and every horse was eating corn stalks, and the team was all mixed up.

But blossoms to berries do come, All hanging on stalks light and slender, And one long summer's day charmed that lady away, With vows sweet and merry and tender; A lover with voice low and tender.

With surprise we meet here also with many plants with hairy, greenish-gray leaves and stalk-covers, as, for instance, the Onosmodium molle, Hieracium longipilum, Pycnanthemum pilosum, Chrysopsis villosa, Amorpha canescens, Tephrosia Virginiana, Lithospermum canescens; between which the immigrated Mullein (Verbuscum thapsus) may be found.

Counter-jumpers stalk deer nowadays, and city clerks on their holidays shoot over peers' preserves.

The inferior ones should be placed at the bottom of the dish, and the others put in rows pyramidically, with the stalks downwards; so that when the whole is completed, nothing but the red part of the fruit is visible.

They bound their brows with garlands of flowerets sweet and bright, In one hand each a cane-stalk bore, in one a taper white, And the clarions began to blow, and trump and Moorish horn, And whoop and shout and loud huzzas adown the street were borne.

Thet air long slim waist o' hisn swayed 'n' bent luk a stalk o' barley.

15 Words to use with  stalking