5 Words to use with stools

"You know what the working-men did there to the slimy curs, the gunmen, and the stool-pigeons of the capitalistic class.

Y'are very welcome both; some stools boy, And reach a Table; Gentlemen o'th' Sword, Pray sit without more complement; be gone child.

For hearing much of the edible properties of certain European toadstools, he resolved to try a few experiments in his own person on West Indian ones; during the course of which he found himself one evening, after a good toad-stool dinner, raving mad.

No man can sit on a camp-stool and by any amount of tugging at that camp-stool lift himself over a fence.

Hardly had she withdrawn the table and chair and placed the hatwell bentbeneath the low stool whereon she had been sitting, and arranged the folds of her heavy brocade like a valance about her, when the door was thrown open.

5 Words to use with  stools