12 Words to use with strap

If we have many more crises Sir ALFRED MOND will have to make provision for strap-hangers.

Knole, Longleaf, Burleigh, Hatfield, Hardwick, and Audley End are familiar instances of the change in interior decoration which accompanied that in architecture; terminal figures, that is, pedestals diminishing towards their bases, surmounted by busts of men or women, elaborate interlaced strap work carved in low relief, trophies of fruit and flowers, take the places of the more Gothic treatment formerly in vogue.

"Our food consisted of bread, hominy, black strap molasses and a red herring a day.

In the face of all these obstacles, the road was built to the Des Plaines River, twelve miles,in a very cheap way, to be sure; as a second-hand strap-rail was used, and half-worn cars were picked up from Eastern roads.

He found brass strap hinges and a hasp and a lock that were well-matched.

The bottom of the iron-woods must, of course, be shaved off evenly with a draw-shave and some people would nail on each a shoe of strap-iron, but that is really needless.

There is also an overhead countershaft with strap shifting arrangement.

"When I was a nipper of your age, if I didn't turn out like greased lightning every morning, I was assisted by a little strap oil," remarked uncle Jay-Jay.

Casey was fumbling for strap buckles which he could not reach.

Lucky the man, the hardened strap-suspender, Who with a first-class ticket, there and back, Finds a precarious seat upon the tender, A rocky berth upon the baggage-rack.

"I'll go back with you and help out with the shawl-strap things."

In the ordinary strap dynamometer a flexible band, sometimes carrying segments of wood blocks, is hung over a pulley rotated by the motor, the power of which is to be measured.

12 Words to use with  strap