6 Words to use with stride

In the meantime, almost distracted by the patronage that assails him in every direction, the lemonade-vendor strides hither and thither, supplying floods of nectar at two centimes the glass; while the audience, skilled in the combination of enjoyments, eats, drinks, and vociferates to its heart's content.

Than this nothing proves more emphatically the strides learning had been making.

"I am going to France, next spring, when the Stanburys go over, just to see what strides medicine is making across the waters, and to rest myself a little, improve my Gallic pronunciation, and get the fashions, and I will take you as my interpreter, if you promise to be very good and obedient in the interval.

He had occasionally seen Mr Keswick come out on the porch, and with long strides pace backward and forward, and he knew by that sign that he had yet no message to bring him.

The day is in its shroud while yet an infant; And Night with giant strides stalks o'er the world, Like a swart Cyclops, on its hideous front One round, red, thunder-swollen eye ablaze.

While whole plantations smoke and blaze; And we may now prevent the ruin, Ere lawless force with guilty stride Shall scatter vengeance far and wide With untold crimes their hands imbruing.

6 Words to use with  stride