16 Words to use with suicide

"So we are forced back to the suicide theory," Gifford remarked.

BORDEN, RAYMOND D. Maggie of the suicide fleet.

Thank goodness the papers don't look beyond the suicide idea, so they are not making much fuss about it.

Lina Elise Grey (W); 23Oct56; R179060. GRIBBLE, LEONARD R. The terrace suicide mystery.

James Thurber (A); 26May60; R257605. Have you fordot our ittle suicide pact?

Le suicide indirect.

Suicide flight.

This suicide case had baffled the pick of Buffalo's trained reporters; it had foiled the best efforts of her police; nevertheless, this fat-paunched fellow had baited a starving man by offering him the assignment.

As men rarely plan suicide years in advance, death by one's own hand some years after taking life insurance is regarded as coming under the ordinary rules of chance.

But Hamlet would hardly call turning from suicide cowardice in any sense.

He wondered if any one had ever left the Castle by the suicide door, and, to escape his thoughts, lit a candle and read 'La Belle Héloïse,' which he had in his mail.

Farther out, a wave broke and raced up the fissure like a suicide express.

The pirates were looking for power and prestige, not a suicide mission.

"Wait till you hear me read the document with the suicide note.

Only once again in all the strifes of my career did the thought of suicide recur, and then it was but for a moment, to be put aside as unworthy a strong soul.

"That suicide story has broken big and we've got a scoop.

16 Words to use with  suicide