13 Words to use with swede

"Before I take a claim," said Tom Roll, "I'll go to Minnesota and peon myself to some Swede farmer for my keep the balance of my life.

Swede homestead.

"'I gave her to there of whisky,' says Keno, indicatin' about four Swede fingers on a water tumbler.

One Swede girl will do as much work as a dozen Hindus, and do it much better than they, and, what is even more important to the housewife, can be relied upon.

The turnip and swede greens left at the door, picked wholesale from the farmers' fields; the potatoes produced from coat pockets by fingers which have been sorting heaps at the farmstead; the apples which would have been crushed under foot if the labourers had not considerately picked them upall these and scores of other matters scarce worth naming find their way over that threshold.

So it wasn't the Swedes gun on the groundand if he borrowed one, which he wouldn't be apt to do, why didn't the fellow he got it from claim it?"

I should like to see some Swede write of the heroes of his noble, chivalrous people, whom lack of space has made me slight here, though I count them with my own.

Take the scale, for instance!" "A confounded little ranch out in this God-forsaken place, that a Swede immigrant might run!"

A few threats gained for the Swedes possession of his fortress of Koenigshofen, and with it the key of the whole province.

He's particular as a Swede skipper with that sight he's taking.

They wished the Swedes success, and would have been very glad to have had the work done at another man's charge, but, like true Germans, they were more willing to be saved than to save themselves, and therefore hung back and stood upon terms.

As Red could discover no means in the town's resources to provide a meal for three hundred people it was necessarily a basket party, which struck Mr. Saunders as being grievously like a Swede treat.

It's like this: when Nome was struck a Swede feller she had knew staked her a claim, but she couldn't hold it, her bein' a squabunder age, savvy?

13 Words to use with  swede