26 Words to use with syllables

What have most pleased me have been "Recollections after a Ramble," and those "Grongar Hill" kind of pieces in eight-syllable lines, my favourite measure, such as "Cooper Hill" and "Solitude."

Second Class: Hendecasyllables of the second class are eleven-syllable verses with the accent on the fourth, eighth, and tenth syllables.

You'll pardon me if I put matters into one-syllable words?

W. Allen says, "The long-syllable mark, (=) and the breve, or short-syllable mark, (~) denote the quantity of words poetically employed.

In a verso agudo the last syllable counts for two syllables.

21.It is a common but erroneous opinion of our grammarians, that the unsyllabic suffix st, wherever found, is a modern contraction of the syllable est.

Pensivement was replaced by some similar four-syllable adverb, Elle tirait nonchalamment les bas de soie, etc.

Sight syllable solitaire.

"Ui, when both pronounced in one syllable sound like wi in languid.

When the y stands by itself, unaccented, immediately after an accented syllable, and precedes a vowel that is part of another unaccented syllable standing immediately before an accented one, Milton accepts the consequence, and does not attempt to give it the force of a distinct syllable.

On the other hand, you must take care not to be misled by a superficial resemblance into thinking two unrelated key-syllables identical.

The sounding of the syllable ing as if it were in, is a vulgarism in utterance; and the writing of it so, is, as it would seem by the usage of Burns, a Scotticism.

The accentual principle was assuredly nothing new in English verse, and syllable-counting, though introduced by Chaucer, had to be reintroduced by the Renaissance poets and did not become an unquestioned convention till the latter part of the seventeenth century.

In a final accented or unaccented syllable u and i are absorbed, for purposes of assonance, by a preceding or following a, o, or e. Therefore, sabia and gratia assonate in á-a; igual and mar assonate in a, pleita and pliega assonate in é-a.

" Most writers tell us that his tutor in music was Damon, whose name they say should be pronounced with the first syllable short.

"And nownow that you have this first syllable complete?" faltered a high and sharing tenor voice.

The final syllable , in compound words, stands for voice.

Notice in the following that the rhythm is perfect and the beat regular, although a three-syllable anapest has been substituted in the second line for a two-syllable iambus: U |

If the accented vowel is not in a constituent syllable synalepha may occur.

"In words of one syllable thenlet him alone.

ayacachicahuactimani; composed of ayacachtli, the rattle (see ante, page 24); and icahuaca, to sing (of birds); to the theme of this verb is added the connective syllable ti, and the verb mani, which, in such connection, indicates that the action of the former verb is expended over a large surface, broadly and widely (see Olmos, Gram.

I cannot call to mind any precedent for the form of stanza adopted by him, consisting, as it does, of six ten-syllable lines, rhyming alternately, followed by a twelve-syllable couplet.

COLYN CLOUT (The Boke of), a rhyming six-syllable tirade against the clergy, by John Skelton, poet-laureate (1460-1529).

The critics and politicians, and especially the philanthropists, have chewed them, till they are mere wads of syllable-fibre, without a suggestion of their old pungency and power.

Some prosodists call the variant foot, in die former instance, an amphibrach, and would probably, in the latter, suppose either an additional pyrrhic, or an amphibrach with still a surplus syllable; but others scan, in these cases, by the iambus only, calling what remains after the last long syllable hypermeter; and this is, I think, the better way.

26 Words to use with  syllables