16 Words to use with taxation

Federal income taxation cases and materials.

Taxation issues with special reference to state and local problems.

The taxation revenue of the empire rose rapidly after the pacification of the south; soon after the beginning of the dynasty the state budget was double that of the T'ang.

R618033. 1948 taxation supplement to Cases on future interests, second edition.

In the second place, the taxation system was simplified by making the amount of tax proportional to the amount of land owned.

Application was made to the bishops when anything was required from the community and the churches were used as taxation offices.

But, on the other hand, income taxation attacks directly the monetary incomes from labor, coming as wages, salaries, fees, and profits in business.

In 1887, Atkinson and Whitaker, coming again into power, with Hall as adviser, administered a second dose of taxation-cum-retrenchment.

And he was ruthless in the extermination of recalcitrant communities, like Agrapha on the Aspropotarno, which had never been inscribed on the taxation-rolls of the Romaic or the Ottoman treasury, or Suli, a robber clan ensconced in the mountains Immediately west of Ali's capital.

British taxation saps Irish capital.

Whether we regard the whole movement from the taxation standpoint, or from the standpoint of benefits received, we shall perceive that it really means a direct and growing pressure brought to bear upon the rich for the benefit of the poor.

Thus they established, in the first two or three centuries, the right to force legislation on the king, and they did it by the instrument of the taxation power.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer in his annual allocation of grants and remissions of taxation balances no stranger things than does the private citizen, who, having a pound or two to spend at Christmas, decides between subscribing to a Chinese Mission and providing a revolving hatch between his kitchen and his dining-room.

Soon the transport problem had to be faced, as had happened long ago in the north, and new means of transport, especially ships, were provided, and new trade routes opened which were to last far longer than the three kingdoms; on the other hand, the costs of transport involved fresh taxation burdens for the population.

Taxation difficulties, 342, 343.

(The figures take no account of the primitive native population, which was not yet included in the taxation lists.)

16 Words to use with  taxation