4 Words to use with tays

A messenger had also been sent to the Kakalin, or rapids, twenty-one miles above, to notify Wish-tay-yun, the most accomplished guide through the difficult passes of the river, to be in readiness for our service on a specified day.

Now and then I could distinguish the words Sau-kee (Sauks) and Shoonk-hat-tay-rah (horse), and they were not very reassuring.

"It's high time, in me own belafe, for her husband to come ashkin' and inquirin' her close all in a hape on the floor upstairs, with her bath-dress gone from the nails, and the front door swingin',me never findin' of it out till it cooms tay-time, with all the children cryin' on me, and me head shplit with the noise, and" Dr. Sharpe strode in a bewildered way to the front door.

"You'd better come in an' 'ave a drop of tay-warter, miss, the kittle's bilin'; and I have the table laid out for both of yez.

4 Words to use with  tays