51 Words to use with texts

The atmosphere, the casual information, the spiritual magnetism of a great man, will teach better than the text-books, the lecture courses, and the formal resources of academic halls.

(42) © on text matter; 12Jun22, A679122.

NM: revisions, illus., & text material.

Linden F. Edwards (A); 14Sep61; R281738. EGER AND GRIME; a parallel-text edition of the Percy and the Huntington-Laing versions of the romance.

The Pupils' own vocabulary builder; text-workbook, grade 2, manuscript writing edition.

NM: pref. & text revisions.

The Choir leader, Oct. 1941) NM: arrangement & text adaptation.

© on end papers & text changes; 10Apr31; A35873.

First you learnt the down-stroke line, Then the hair-stroke thin and fine, Then a curve, and then a better, Till you came to form a letter; Then a new task was begun, How to join them two in one; Till you got (these first steps past) To your fine text-hand at last.

CHOU, NIEN-TZ'U. Translations of text selections and exercises in Newspaper Chinese by the inductive method.

(Abridged farm life text series)

Before Caxton's time the youths of England were supplied with their school-books and their reading, which was necessarily very limited, by the Company of Stationers, or text-writers, who wrote and sold, by an exclusive royal privilege, the school-books then in use.

© on editorial revision & additional text content; 31Dec35; A540928.

This is a point on which text critics of all schools are substantially agreed.

The evidence adduced under this head will be found, I believe, to be independent of any particular theory of text-criticism.

According, in Mr. Lindsay's treatise, we have upwards of forty pages of elementary instructions, definitions, and concise treatises, copiously interspersed with musical illustrations; whereas the engraved treatises are generally meagre in their instructions, from the difficulty of punching text illustrations.

Poster's note: The dagger symbol has been replaced by the carat "^" for this plain-text file.

In this electronic text, the play-text pages are numbered (contrary to custom in electronic texts), to allow use of the cross-references provided in the sidenotes and footnotes.

AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE; a comprehensive text statement of American case law.

TEEVAN, JOHN C. Business law: cases-text-statutes.

Use the one that works best on your text reader.

Text drawings by C. D. Farrand.

They have been changed to the paragraph heading for that page as marked in the Chapter Headings in this text version.]

(text ed.)Modern rhetoric.

NM: half titles, consisting of the text incident to those pages.

51 Words to use with  texts