7 Words to use with thatch

Oh sir, he that has not a tilde house must bee glad of a thatch house.

Many are covered with tiles, but the thatch roof is also very common here.

In a shed near the fire brigade station are (1) two old thatch-hooks (1610), used to drag burning thatch from the roofs of houses; and (2) an old fire-engine of the same date.

* 35 troll cel' er y new' fan gled thatch chink' ing as par' a gus im mense' sauce' pan de mol' ish ing sa' vor y pat' terns ag' gra va ting THE MINNOWS WITH SILVER TAILS.

The latter passed on to his estate, and some of the villagers went back to their women and their thatch huts.

"This is the | forest pri | -meval; but | where are the | hearts that be | -neath it Leap'd like the | roe, when he | hears in the | woodland the | voice of the | huntsman? Where is the | thatch-rooféd | village, the | home of A | -cadian | farmers?

In such a case, the best way is to take it coolly, and halloo till a herdsman or thatch-cutter comes to your rescue.

7 Words to use with  thatch