67 Words to use with throats

Woolen comforters, scarfs, and fur mufflers, so commonly worn around the neck, are more likely to produce throat troubles and local chill than to have any useful effect.

The commandant walked through the long rows of fires, speaking to a merchant here, nodding to a date-grower there, casting quick glances and saying nothing to the spies who, mingling with the people, sat about the kouss-kouss pots, and reported to the commandant, each morning, the date set for his throat-cutting.

I refer now to the throat-latch.

It is plain to be seen that the fluffy ruche at the throat-band, and the ruffle at the shoulder, and the spreading bow at the waist, and the trimmed sleeves, add bulkiness to a form already too generously endowed with flabby rotundity.

She spilled more than went into his mouth but she was rewarded by seeing the throat muscles contract as involuntarily he swallowed.

Persons subject to throat disease should take special care to wear suitable underclothing, adapted to the changes of the seasons.

] How beautiful he is, with drooping neck and softly ruffled throat-feathers!

Wherever he moved she followed with her unseeing eyes, as if expecting each moment his old signal to herthat low throat-note that had called to her so often when they were alone in the wilderness.

A wave of hot blood made her back prickle and dyed her throat crimson.

The arms chosen were a sharp-pointed sword or rapier and a poignard, while the armour used included a throat-piece (gorgerin) and a secrète.

To this question the Jew replied, "Signior Anthonio, on the Rialto many a time and often you have railed at me about my monies, and my usuries, and I have borne it with a patient shrug, for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe; and then you have called me unbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon my Jewish garments, and spurned at me with your foot, as if I was a cur.

For the tones in which they were delivered possessed that deep, rich throat timbre which so often means powerpersonal magnetismdeep, from the chest, with vibrant throat tones suggesting a volume of sound which may in fact be only hinted by the loudness the man at the moment sees fit to employ.

Their fangs clashed and with the whole weight of his body, Kazan flung himself against the wolf's shoulders, cleared his jaws, and struck again for the throat hold.

At the next lessons the throat-letters were given; first the hard guttural was sounded, and they were told three ways to write it, c, k, q, distinguished as round, high, and with a tail.

With his bullies and cut-throats amidships he can compel them to work, but he dare not go too far.

How often, when a counter-attack has put us in possession of ground lost the day before, have we found poor fellows "finished off"with their throats cuts, as in the case of the two sergeants of the 31st Chasseurs at the Pass of Sainte-Marie, or "with their own bayonets driven into their mouths," like the poor little fellow of the 17th.

More deadly than the throat-grip had Kazan sometimes found the lunge when delivered at the right moment.

From July to October she walked two or three hours a day, heavily dressed, and had a woman especially to attend to her hair and complexion, in addition to the masseuse toiling to keep her cheeks and throat firm for the fight against wrinkles and loss of contour.

Yes, we are all animals now, it said to itself, and set its teeth in the cut-throat game of survival.

The Elector, with throat half bare, his plumed hat decorated with sprigs of fir, as is the way of hunters, was seated beside Lady Heloise, who had been the first love of his early youth.

At two trips the raft carried all the provisions and stores that were wanted, and the cargoes were landed, rolled up to the side of the pinnace, hoisted on board of her, by means of the throat-halliard, and properly stowed.

He called Joe for'ard to help stretch the mainsail by means of swinging on the peak and throat-halyards.

But Sir John has a troop of his cut-throat horsemen picketed out around us.

Result: the rustic bought an animal, without chaffering, at double its value, having in addition borrowed a lot of money at cut-throat interest.

"Why, it's the throat interlude in the Magic Flute!

67 Words to use with  throats