6 Words to use with thyne

yes, thou mayst looke, But pray thee, fellowe, see thyne eies be good

Which to prevent Take my last resolutyon, & from it Swearve not in thyne alleagance: when thou shalt Meete me uppon a way was never usd By horse nor man, and thou thy selfe dost ryde On neyther horsse, mare, asse, & yet thy beast An usuall thynge for burthen, thou thy selfe Neyther uncloathd nor naked, &

Come, Ile make Thee greater then all Fraunce, above the peres, The proudest he that breathes shall thynke hym blest To do thee servyce, and esteeme it heaven To be thyne ape in imytatyon.

O doe not feare; my bountye shall exceede The power of thyne askynge; thou shalt treade Uppon the heads of prynces.

Thyself, no more, For 'tis a private busines, and withall; Provyde mee,harke thyne eare.

Shee that so late excluded thee my house And shutt these gates against thee, Isabell Thy mother, these weare her owne handyworkes Bestowde upon thee in thyne infancy To make us nowe boathe happy in thy yoouth.

6 Words to use with  thyne