26 Words to use with tire

Late though the hour, full soon the manor was astir; lights glimmered in the great hall where were gathered all the household of the Duchess, her ladies, her tire-women, the porters and serving men, even to the scullionsall were there, staring in wonderment upon the Duchess, who stood before them upon the dais in a rich habit of blue and silver and with her golden fillet on her brow.

You promise me you'll put a bell on your tire tester and a log chain and drag on your pump and jacksay, you wouldn't believe the number of honest men that go off for a vacation and steal everything, by golly, they can haul away!

He had not wanted Mrs. May to find out prematurely that he was dogging her tire tracks in a car which might have shot past her like a comet.

"Yes, he has tire trouble, I see.

Being officially connected with the administration of the apprenticeship system, and tire adjudicators in all difficulties between master and servant, their views of the system and of the conduct of the different parties are entitled to special consideration.

Productivity of labor in the rubber tire manufacturing industry.

Automobile-tire hoarder.

30. inveighs against such perturbations, "that purge to the halves, tire nature, and molest the body to no purpose."

I have got the measure of every black heel, on the island, registered in the big book, you see me so often looking into, especially on Sundays; and, if either of the tire-legs I have named dares to enter my grounds, let him expect to pay a visit to the city Provost.

"We are not so officiously befriended by him as to have his presence in the 'tiring house to prompt us aloud, stampe at the booke-holder, sweare for our properties, curse the poor tire-man, raile the musicke out of tune, and sweat for every veniall trespasse we commit, as some author would.

" There was a good deal of truth, blended with some exaggeration, mixed up with this statement of tire mate.

But when I got home Evan said he had sent the boots to the bicycle tire mender's the morning I came away.

Many of them had been fighting since that morning, and nothing parches tire mouth so much as biting cartridges.

Big Blutch has got his name from the old days, honey, when a dime, a dollar, and a tire-rim was all the same size.

"Sometimes a tire shrinks so much as to spring the spokes out of shape.

Always carry a roll of insulating tape, or on a pinch bicycle tire-tape will do very well.

Coming back from a spin down the lines we stopped in a small village called Amifontaine, to let our chauffeur, known affectionately as The Human Rabbit, tinker with a leaky tire valve or something.

L'une est celle par laquelle nous étions venus; l'autre, qui perce au nord, tire vers le pays du seigneur, qu'on appelle Turcgadirony, et vers la Perse; la troisième s'étend au Levant, et j'ignore si elle conduit de même à la Perse; la dernière enfin est au couchant, et c'est celle que j'ai prise, et qui m'a conduit au pays du karman.

Casey looked up from bending over the fourth tire wrapping.

In the tires of railway wheels, which have a flange on one edge, it is necessary to add not only the thickness of the tire, but also two thirds of the depth of the flange; generally, however, the tire bars are sent from the forge so curved that the plain edge of the tire is concave, and the flange edge convex, while the side which is afterward to be bent into contact with the cylindrical surface of the wheel is a plane.

A very fair temporary repair might have been made by first dipping the nail in a tire cement, but the nail was rusty and stuck very well.

He wanted to know how much a tire cost; he wanted to know how much his bill would be, and if he'd have to pay for the little post that was broke.

Casey had an accident now and then; and his tire expense was such as to keep him up nights playing poker for money to support his Ford.

When detected, if an old offender, he will either look you in tire face with the greatest effrontery and an expression of defiance, or he will feign to cry, and tell you he was hungry, has no father nor mother, &c.; though frequently, on further inquiry, I have found the whole story to be false.

" Mrs. Wilton then produced a beautiful Japan box, and, opening it, displayed to the admiring gaze of the young party a number of curious contrivances to tease and tire impatient folks, exquisitely cut in ivory, and mother-of-pearl, and light woods.

26 Words to use with  tire