10 Words to use with trait

Traits characteristic of men majoring in physical education at the Pennsylvania State College.

Although it is said by one traveler that the Todas "practice dissimulation toward Europeans, yet he recognizes this as a trait consequent on their intercourse with Europeans.

Leurs arcs sont gros, mais courts, et leurs traits courts et minces.

The peoples of Esthonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaidjan have by blood, language, and racial traits elements of difference which give to each of them in more or less degree the character of a distinct nationality.

But what trait hast thou discovered in my character, that leads thee to suppose I would be such a hypocrite as to betray the confidence this poor woman has reposed in me, by placing her in the power of her master, in the way thou hast proposed?" Mr. Wiltbank then requested that a message might be conveyed to the woman, exhorting her to return, and promising that no notice whatever would be taken of her offence.

It is a trait individualizing and particularising the person at whom the more general satire is aimed; and, coupled with the infirmities of the victim's moral nature, it fastens upon poor Florio identity with "the brace of coxcombs."

MARCEAU La figure de Marceau brille parmi tous les soldats de la Révolution, et les traits intéressants abondent dans l'histoire de sa belle carrière.

lineament feature trait lines; outline, outside; contour, face, countenance, physiognomy, visage, phiz., cast of countenance, profile, tournure^, cut of one s jib, metoposcopy^; outside &c 220.

Perhaps, under my eyes, in the twinkling of an eye, one trait springs into life and another disappears.

She told how my New York aunt had written a letter to my wife, warning her against all mediums, and then went off on a most amusing criticism, full of traits vifs, of the excellent woman's character.

10 Words to use with  trait