54 Words to use with trap

Bending lower, I cleared the dust from around it, and, presently, discovered that it was attached to a ponderous trap door, black with age.

They follow my trap-line an' eat the rabbits I catch.

Leaving our horses, we ascended the hill, which was composed of trap-rock, and did not exceed 300 feet in height above the general level of the country.

From the summit of the hill we could see salt marshes continuing in a north-west direction for many miles; all the hills within twenty miles were of a trap formation, and therefore gave no prospect of obtaining water, the soil being loose and the rock full of fissures; hitherto we seldom had found water except on or near granite rocks, which serve to collect the rainwater of even slight showers.

Anthony WoodburyWestfall Polo Clubthen golf, tennis, trap shooting" "Enough!" groaned the victim.

His forefeet and his left hindfoot were free, and as Kazan advanced, he drew back, so that the trap-chain was slack under his body.

Lord John played with us and the children at trap-ball, shooting, etc.

Kaviak!" Through his parki the Boy felt a hand close vise-like on his shoulder, and a voice, not like MacCann's: "Goin' straight down to the fish-trap hole!"

She found it in every trap-house they came todeathman death.

Having completed observations at 2.10, steered 300 degrees along the foot of a range of trap hills; at 3.50 passed a dry salt lake on our right, and at 5.15 bivouacked on the side of a trap hill, among some fine oat-grass growing on calcareous tufa.

"Always thinking of that cheap, clap-trap affair," growled Jerry.

But the retreat hereabouts had been too rapid and involuntary for deliberate burning or destruction or trap-setting on an appreciable scale....

They seem to be for the most part made up of marls and limestones, with trap-dykes and other igneous matters here and there.

Since I got that same, three days back, I've been figgerin' on how I could fix up a trap tuh ketch any two-legged varmint that chanced tuh come sneakin' around here of a night.

The gold-bearing quartz veins of Deadwood are so closely associated with dikes of porphyry, that they may have been considered as illustrations of the potency of trap dikes in producing concentration of metals.

Our bivouac was in latitude 24 degrees 31 minutes 0.5 seconds, about three miles south of a bold trap-range, the summit of which was named Mount Sandiman.

Ramrod of the gun trap drive.

May I beg the favour of a trap home?

Swift as a flash the girlish figure flitted up the winding narrow stairs, and gasping but triumphant Betty seated herself on the lowest step of the trap-ladder to await the coming of Geoffrey Yorke.

As he had no syce with him he got down to light the trap-lamps and jumped in and drove on again very cheerily.

The Irkutsk Circle asked questions which were not calculated to elicit a single fact connected with labour, either in Russia or England, but were just the usual clap-trap monkey business, such as: "Why should we be satisfied with half, when we have the bourgeoisie down and can take all?"

As an evidence of the assiduity with which he botanized, it may be mentioned that he had seen the Geranium Robertianum (a plant which nestles in the sunny clefts of our trap mountains) in bloom, during every month of the year.

Yellow Handkerchief had lifted the trap-net at high-water slack, and, taking advantage of the concealment offered by the fog, had boldly been lying by, waiting to lift the net again at low-water slack.

CHAPTER X TRAPS FOB NIGHT PROWLERS "Yuh see," remarked Obed, turning around as they drew near the first enclosure, where the parent foxes were confined behind the wire fencing, "I've just been adding a few finishing touches tuh this here trap scheme.

"Unless you suppose churches like traps, easy to admit one; but when once he is in, there he must always stick, either for the pleasure or profit of the trap-setters."

54 Words to use with  trap