16 Words to use with trapeze

"Talk to me about your trapeze acts, and your parachute drops, I guess I know all the sensations.

There was a woman trapeze performer on one side of pa at dinner, and she began to kick at once about the meals, and when the waiter brought a piece of meat to us alla great big piece, that looked like corned beef, she said: "For heaven's sake, ain't that elephant that died all been eaten up yet?"

On this bar she used to swing head downwards, just hooking her knees around it, as all the trapeze artists do.

There's no accounting for tastes, but as for me, give me a good bed where I can stretch out, and I'll never ask to sleep on a trapeze bar.

I'm going back to some of my high trapeze work.

" The next act of the young circus performer was to climb up to the very top of the tent, and there to examine the fastenings of the trapeze ropes.

And then there was the time when the trapeze wire broke.

I watched one fellow to-day through a series of positive trapeze movements from top to bottom and bottom to top of a grass-tangle.

The animal went through some evolutions that were so perfect an imitation of first-class human trapeze performance, that Andy was fairly astonished.

I had a trapeze chap once who would often go to sleep that way in hot weather.

" The ringmaster set free the temporary trapeze rigging.

We got into Indiana and have had a yellow fever scare, a quarantine that lasted one night, so nobody could sleep on our train, a riot at Evansville 'cause we took on a couple of female trapeze women that came from Honduras, via New Orleans, and a revival of religion, all in one bunch, and pa is beginning to get haggard, like a hag.

Abe Carpenter, in a bathing-trunk, did shudder-breeding trapeze tricks, and Bud Perkins, who nightly rubbed himself limber in oil made by hanging a bottle of angle-worms in the sun to fry, wore his red calico base-ball clothes, and went through keg-hoops in a dozen different ways.

After supper and before the evening performance Joe made a careful examination of his trapeze apparatus.

Thousands of times did they practise the grouping of the figures on the blocks, and the Y always served as a model for trapeze exercises.

Howard had run off an' Florette was standin' up on the trapeze kissin' her ban's like she always done at the finish.

16 Words to use with  trapeze